What's that?

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(what? No warning??Wow a wholesome chapter for once without smut??? Holy shit!)

Deku pov:

I woke in kacchans warm arms. I looked up and saw he was awake.
"g'morning  kacchan. "
I got a tired grunt in response I leaned in and gave him a quick peck
"c'mon kacchan we gotta go to school"
"mmhhm...... Fine"
We got up and got dressed. I had my uniform next to me when I got a glance in the mirror.
"o-oh geez....."
"what is it ner- oh.... "
"y-you really did a number on me last n-night"
There where bite marks and hickies all over my neck chest and thighs
"the uniforms have collars on the shirts I think it'll cover the marks, and even if they don't so what? It'll just make sure that every one knows to back the fuck off cuz you're mine"
I giggled in response
"ok kacchan"
We put on our uniforms and walked to school. when got there uraraka immediately went to greet me
"hi deku!"
"oh h-hey uraraka"
We walked in to class and sat down.  I was talking to kacchan when I felt someone tap my shoulder. It was kirishima
"hey midoriya "
"oh hi kiri what's up?"
"uh what's on your neck?"
"o-oh it's n-nothing"
"mhm.... "
Then kaminari grabbed my hand out of the way and kirishima pulled down my collar
"oh Damn.....  who did that?"
"w-well uh i-"
I was cut off my kacchan chiming in
"it was me shitty hair"
Almost in unison they speak
"wait bakubro you're not messing with us?You and midoriya are together now????"
"yeah is that a fucking problem?"
"No it's just surprising "
"p-please don't bring this up to the others kiri"
"no problem midoriya my lips are sealed "
"t-thank you"
The rest of the day went on but I couldn't help but feel people looking at me and whispering. At the end of the day uraraka came up to us
"so how are the love birds doing?"
"uraraka h-how did you?"
"oh I was right next to you guys the entire time when you where talking to kirishima and kaminari."
"You where fucking eavesdropping round face?!"
"No I was going to ask deku about the assignment but then kirishima started talking. I may or may not have told some people about you two hehehe"
"you piece of shit!!!!"
Kacchan started yelling at her and kirishima and kaminari show up running to us
"midoriya bro everyone is talking about you two I sware we didn't tell anyone!"
"it's a-alright kiri I know you didn't tell anyone. It was uraraka"
"oh.... OH SHIT "
Kaminari was looking behind us to uraraka and kacchan fighting. I ran over to kacchan and tried to stop him but he just ignored me. So finally I ran up to him and kissed him. He was taken off guard so he stopped And kissed back. When he finally calmed down I pulled away.
"can we please just go home kacchan, now we dont have to worry about anything now that everyone knows we are a couple. "
"fine but I won't forget about this round face!!!"
"hehehe "
We walked home to see kacchans parents where back.
"hi mitsuki!"
"oh hey izuku how was your day?"
"it was fine how was yours"
"my day was ok"
After that we went up to kacchans room and put our pj's on we where walking down the stairs when I heard mitsuki say dinner was ready. We sat down and ate. We had some chit chat and then we finished. We went back up stairs to sleep. Kacchan got on the bed and held his arms out for me. I popped into bed and cuddled up to him. It was so warm.
"I love you kacchan"
"I love you too"
We drifted away to sleep not long after

Ik it wasn't that good but I tried hopefully you don't hate me too much. Bye bye~

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