Love and Thrust,

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❗❗Warning: mention of: self harm violence abuse. ❗❗
❗❗angst feelings and smut❗❗

Deku pov:

Kacchan grabs me and puts me back on top of him. He starts to slide his hand up my hoodie. His hands where warm and soft.I kept rolling my hips making kacchan groan
"com'on baby I know you can do more than that~"
I slid down to lay down between kacchan's legs and took off his boxers revealing his member. I got so red. it was huge!
Kacchan noticed how surprised I was and started to tease me
"what's wrong baby~"
"I uh w-wow"
"d-don't tease me it's my first time"
"oh is it now~"
"well I guess it's a first for both of us"
I grabbed it and put my mouth on the tip swirling my tongue around it kacchan groaned and threw his head back. I trailed my tongue along the sides sucking every so often. Finally I took his whole length in my mouth to my surprise and his I didn't have a gag reflex. I bobbed my head up and down for awhile before kacchan came in my mouth. I swallowed and wiped my mouth. I sat up looking at kacchan. His eyes where widened
"I didn't know you could.... Um... "
"n-neither did I"
"but no gag reflex?"
"guess not"
"damn ok"
"we can't do anything else w-while your parents are home ok?"
"ffffiinnee "
"s-so what now?
"No clue "
"wait we have school tomorrow uuggghhhh"
"haha I know how you feel"
"at least we are still gonna be close to eachother the entire day I really don't wanna be around other people"
"hm yeah most people are annoying brats especially shitty hair and wannabe pikachu "
"honestly they kinda scare me... "
"oh and I don't?"
"No I know you. You're kind, caring and protecting, the only reason you acted like you did is cuz you didn't know how to express your feelings"
"what am i? A fucking book?"
"haha no I just know you well"
"hmmmm ok"
"hey kacchan.. "
"I love you"
"I love you too"
I gave him a kiss on the nose and smiled
"hey why don't we get some ice cream?"
We walked to the ice cream shop holding pinkies

We got to the window and I asked for strawberry and kacchan asked for chocolate "I c-can pay for us kacchan""yeah no""w-why you've done enough for me""deku it's fuckin ice cream calm down""okay okay"Kacchan paid for our ice cream and we sat down a...

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We got to the window and I asked for strawberry and kacchan asked for chocolate
"I c-can pay for us kacchan"
"yeah no"
"w-why you've done enough for me"
"deku it's fuckin ice cream calm down"
"okay okay"
Kacchan paid for our ice cream and we sat down at the table
"mmmm yummy"
"yeah it's good"
"thanks kacchan"
"no problem nerd"
We finished our ice cream and threw the cups out in the bin next to us.
"it's getting late nerd lets go home"
"race ya there "
I started to run and kacchan chased after me both of us laughing. Then kacchan caught up to me and picked me up bridal style and he kept running to our house. I was giggling and he was laughing from my surprise. We finally got to the house and he put me down
"that was fun kacchan"
"yeah it was "
He opened the door and we went back up to his room and I changed into the shirt he let me borrow. Kacchan was already in bed checking his phone I wriggled into bed. Kacchan turned his phone off and wrapped his arms around my waist
"night kacchan"
"night angel "


Ok ppl that's all for now bye bye~

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