Comforting arms

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❗❗Warning: mention of: self harm violence abuse. ❗❗
❗❗angst a feelings❗❗

Deku pov:

We finished getting my things and where on our way out the door. Kacchan grabbed my hand and looked at me I smiled and intertwined our fingers together.
We walked to his house his parents had already driven there but we wanted to talk.
"I heard you yelling and um.... What did you mean when you said my deku?"
He blushed when he realized that I heard the conversation they had.
"I uh.... "
"I'm sorry if you don't want to answer you don't have to. I w-was just curious"
"no it's ok I just didn't realize I let that slip... Uh well I've liked you for a while I just tried to deny it and um... I thought you hated me so. "
"I would never hate you I've liked you for a while too I honestly thought you hated me.... "
"I could never deku"
He pulled me closer and looked into my eyes
"you have to promise me something deku"
"w-what is is kacchan?"
"never ever hurt yourself again ok?"
"promise "
We got to the door of his house and opened it to Mrs. Bakugou crying she rushed over and hugged me
"izuku I'm so sorry I should have known"
"it's ok it's my fault for being a failure"
Her eyes widened and so did kacchans
"you are not a failure. You are an amazing young man. You are strong and kind and you treat my katsuki so well. Now you have the option to share a room with katsuki or sleep in the guest room"
"um id like t-to share a room with kacchan if t-thats ok with him"
Then kacchan walked over and put his hand on my shoulder
"of course it's ok"
I looked at him and smiled
"katsuki can you help izuku get his stuff into your room"
"yeah sure"
We walked over to kacchans room and he told me there is 2 drawers that I can have. I put my stuff in the drawers. I turned around to kacchan on his bed in his pj's
"wait nerd you don't have pj's do you?"
"n-no I don't I usually just sleep in my underwear"
He handed me one of his shirts and I went to the bathroom to put it on and it was huge on me it reached past my knees I came out and he looked at me and chuckled.
"w-why are you laughing?"
"it's cute"
My face looked like it had been painted red
"come're broccoli head"
He pats the space next to him on the bed. I walked over and layed down next to him. He wrapped his arms around me. His arms where so comforting. He put a blanket over us and we cuddled for a while talking about random stuff before I fell asleep in his warm embrace.


Ok thats all for now bye bye~

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