Acting normal

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❗❗Warning: mention of: self harm violence abuse. ❗❗
❗❗angst a feelings and smut❗❗

Bakugou pov:

I woke up with deku in my arms. He looked so calm and relaxed which made me happy
"hey angel wake up"
"mmmmh kacchan"
He opened one of his eyes and looked at me for a sec before opening his other eye
"hi kacchan"
"hey.. "
"I have a question"
"ok shoot"
"now that we're dating  can I act like myself around you. like here and and school"
"of course you can"
"ok well don't be startled I'm actually a very shy and timid person and most of the time I just wanna be around the person I'm most comfortable around which in this case is you "
"I won't be,  ill try my best to be a good boyfriend"
"now it's time to treat your wrists and rewrap them"
We got up and went to the bathroom where I took off his old bandages and cleaned his wrists
"this is gonna sting I'm sorry"
"it's alright"
I took some rubbing alcohol and a cotton pad and cleaned his arms. I rewraped his arms and gave him one of my hoodies. He put it on and it was so big on him it could be a dress it was so cute
"hey let's get something to eat"
We walked downstairs and my mother was watching tv
"hi izuku! did you sleep well?
"yes I did. How did you sleep?"
"very well thank you for asking. Now I wanted to discuss something with you. "
"what is it?"
"I talked to your principal and he made some changes for you that I think you'll like"
She explained a few things and smiled
" that sounds nice thank you  Mrs. Bakugou "
"please call me Mitsuki"
Deku smiled and looked over at me I smiled
"ok boys I have to know.. "
"what is it?"
"are you two dating or??"
"yes mom deku is my boyfriend "
"I knew it! No one ever makes katsuki this happy!"
Deku giggled and blushed a bit
"mom you're making deku uncomfortable "
"no kacchan it's ok I like having  happy conversations like this, I never really got to with my real family so. "
Deku smiled at me when the realization that he never had a normal family hit me like a bus. He never got to experience small things like this. All he knows is abuse and that was 'normal' for him.  I finished making breakfast and gave it to him he seemed to like it
"this is really good kacchan thank you"
"no problem. Mornings are gonna be like this from now on. "
"I like that "
We finished eating and went back to my room
"so what do you wanna do?"
"I usually just stay in my room and read"
"oh come on let's do something fun"
"well it wasn't really my choice it was more like a command "
"well things are gonna be different from now on I'll make sure of that ok?"
I gave him a kiss in the cheek and stood up from my bed.  I pointed to the TV and asked if he wanted to watch something he said yes and I let him pick a movie obviously it was about allmight cuz that's just deku but I was ok with it. We sat on my bed and watched it for a while then the movie ended and deku grabbed his phone and started to laugh
"what's so funny nerd?"
"kacchan I didn't now you rapped "
He said in between giggles

"oh my god shitty hair sent that to you didn't he?"
"I'm going to kill that red pineapple. That was so long ago, we got bored so shitty hair pikachu and I made this"
"its actually really good "
"you think?"
"yeah,  but then again anything you do is amazing so"
He smiled at me and it made me blush
"hey I have a question, so when you where texting kirishima I noticed I'm not in your contacts but you text me like every day so it confused me"
"you're in there. You're just um not you"
I showed him his contact card and be got red 
|                                                               |
|            💕❤💕❤💕❤💕               |

My contact name for him was just a bunch of hearts and it embarrassed me.
"well now I have to show you mine cuz it's only fair"
|                                                               |
|         love of my life❤💥 💗             |

He giggled and rubbed the back of his neck.  he was kinda embarrassed.
"mmmh that's cute"
"hehe y-yeah.... "
"so.. "
"kaccan? "
"can we just kiss for a while"
He leaned in and kissed me. His lips where so soft against mine. I still wonder how I have someone like him. I traced my tongue on his bottom lip and he opened his mouth  without question or hesitation. I grazed the roof of his mouth with my tongue.I bit his lip and looked at him he seemed to like making out with me. We were laying down so it was easy to get comfortable, he was laying on top of me and he was fairly light so it didn't bother me he was also smaller than me so his feet where by my knees. He submitted so easily to me, but I guess it was just his nature. He pulled away accidentally rolling his hips on my dick making me hard. He noticed what he did and got red and got off of me.
"s-sorry kacchan!"
"it's ok you didn't mean to"
"I... I could help you with that though, I mean it was my fault. "
"holy shit deku"
"I didn't know you where like this... "
"w-well it's you s-so.."
"fuck it"

That's all for now and next time I'll write some smut

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