when the parents leave

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       ❗❗Smut ahead ❗❗

Bakugou pov:

I woke up to shuffling and noises in front of me. I opened my eyes to see deku thrashing in his sleep. He was having a nightmare. I grabbed him and hugged him taking him out of his sleep. He woke up and realized he was with me and immediately calmed down.
"hey I'm here calm down ok?"
He started bursting into tears
"i-i d-d-remt t-that y-you left m-me a-and-"
"hey that's never gonna happen ok?you're fine you're in my arms and I will never leave you ok?"
I kissed his forehead
"come on get your ass up we gotta change those damn bandages. "
We went to the bathroom and grabbed the bandages he lifted his sleeves and unwrapped his old bandages
"looks like they're healing"
We cleaned the cuts and rewrapped  them.  We went down stairs and saw a note on the counter from my old women

We'll be back tomorrow boys

We ate breakfast and put on our clothes. Dekus hair was fluffy and messy as usual. We walked out of the house

//time skip brought to you by explodo boi 💥//

Deku pov:

We walked in to school and to our class room to see that the layout had changed there where desks in pairs if 2 with names on them we walked around for awhile before we found our seats and to our surprise they where next to each other we sat down not looking at our surroundings and then I realized there was someone sitting behind us I didn't know who but I felt someone's eyes on me.
"hey midoriya!"
I jumped a bit and turned around it was kirishima and next to him was kaminari. Kacchan noticed I was frightened.
"stop being so damn loud you scared deku!"
"oh sorry bakubro, sorry midoriya. "
"i-its alright"
Then I saw uraraka start to walk over
"hey deku! Hi bakugou!"
"o-oh hi uraraka. "
"hey um I had to ask you haven't answered any of my texts and you seem a little jumpy, is everything ok?"
"y-yeah I'm ok"
"alright let me know if you need anything"
And with that she walked away
The entire day was kinda quiet no one really bothered  me and kacchan was by my side so I was content. We where walking home when we saw todoroki walking home as well. Todoroki is my friend but he also scares me. We went inside and kacchan went up stairs I was getting a light snack when I remembered what had happened yesterday and got red then I felt my pants tighten. Shit I'm horny. I got the sudden erge to go to kacchan. I can't believe I'm about to do this.

Bakugou pov:

I was seated on my bed when the the door quietly squeaked open,  I didn't bother to look up because I knew it was Deku. The edge of the bed dipped slightly as something or rather someone started to quietly inch closer to me
I felt him get on top of me and I looked up he was flushed red and the look on his face, oh my god the look on his face.
"what do you want nerd"
"kacchan~ im horny~"
My eyes widened and a blush spread across my face I put my phone down. I grabbed his hips and smirked
"mmm what made you so horny?"
"but I didn't do anything"
"I know you're just hot~"
"oh am I now~?"
"what do you wanna do baby~"
"I think you know~"
I leaned in kissing him he melted into the kiss soaking in every second of it. He pulled away taking off his clothes only leaving on his boxers. I didn't know he was so.... Hot. I took of my clothes. He got back on top of me I went to his neck  leaving hickies on his soft skin I found his sweet spot and licked and sucked there making him moan. I bit his neck on his sweet spot which made him moan even louder. I started rubbing circles on his thigh with my  thumb. He started to plam my my dick through my boxers making me groan.
"mmm kacchan~"
"what is is baby?"
"can I ride you?~"
"be my guest~"
We took off our boxers and deku grabbed my dick positioning it infront of his hole. he sat down with a moan
"ahh~mmh~kacchan~so big"
Deku started bouncing.  I started timing my thrusts with his bouncing perfectly.
"fuck deku~"
"ah~ kacchan I'm gonna~ngh-come"
"me too baby"
With one final thrust I came in deku and deku came on my chest. Deku layed down next to me.  I  looked at the master peice that was deku.  he had quite a feminine figure he had a small waist and wide hips and not to mention his ass, damn that ass was just perfect. I was hovering over deku when I went down to his thighs I started leaving hickies and bite marks all over them he was so sensitive so this made him moan. I grabbed him and put him on top of me. I grabbed his ass and he started kissing me again. I was sucking on his tongue  when he broke away from the kiss. he trailed his hand down my chest and grabbed my dick and started jerking me off. Then he lent down and stuck his tongue out licking the tip before putting his mouth on the tip and bobbing his head up and down my length. I still had a hold of his ass so I decided to push my finger making him moan sending vibrations down my cock. I came in his mouth and he swallowed it all wiping his mouth.
"mmm kacchan you taste good"
We put our boxers back on and went to sleep. That was a fun night

That's all for now ppl bye~

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