Merry Christmas everyone! This is a special update from me to you as your Christmas present today! I will go more into detail on this in my other book.
Which reminds me ...
The FULL package is an update on this book and a special update on my imagines! There is also part three which will come tomorrow. So, Merry Christmas and get reading!
My legs and back filled up with lacerations and blood, my skin redder than it was skin tone. I could scream no more. My voice was too hoarse. I could not cry, I was too dehydrated. I had spent all my tears and energy. Wincing was all I could do.
You worthless piece of trash. No one loves you!
Look at you. Your own father didn't even love you!
You can't do anything right!
Your mother's death? All your fault. You just wanted to go to that stupid sleepover SO BAD, didn't you? Well, look where it got you, hmm?
All these things were true. It was my fault. No one loved me. I f-ed everything up. Everything I did ended up with a consequence. My father beat me every day. He didn't love me. He didn't have a reason to. I caused my mom's death. I caused her to die. If it wasn't for me, she'd still be here. He was right.
I was worthless.
My eyes stared at her through the wind and sheet rain, her eyes lost and glossy. I could tell she was going back. She knew this Unsub. Which is what I feared most. I didn't want her to know this Unsub. I don't want her to know any Unsub. She was too innocent, to special for that to ever happen to her.
My brain stopped. Why? Why was I feeling this way? Why was my heart taking over? My son is in that shed with a psychopath and all I can think about is the way Melanie's long brown hair splays in the wind and how her saddened face makes me want to pull her close to me and never let her go until he is healed. I don't even know her.
"Melanie," I said rather sternly.
She looked up, taken aback by my tone. Her eyes showed confusion and fear. She stared back at the shed looming in front of us, taunting our feelings and our minds. Come get Jack, it taunted. Who knows if he's alive or not?
"Guys," I said into my mic. "I think we found something. I need everyone to meet back by the vehicle and continue right down the shoreline. Davis thinks this is where Jack is being held. We need to plan our approach."
"On our way," Morgan said.
"I'm not too far from here," Prentiss stated. "Sorry I wandered off. I thought I heard something earlier. I'll be there soon."
"Great. Thanks, everyone. Please, hurry."
Melanie looked at me and for the first time, I noticed the hurt ... the true pain in her eyes. Her hair. dripping puddles from the still pouring rain wrapped her face and shoulders and her hand trembled, holding the small bundle of blankets wrapped under her jacket. I ignored her and looked instead out to the shed, which held my son.
"What?" I said a bit harsher than I should've asked. She flinched but held her ground and put up walls faster than I could think.
"Your son is in terrible danger. He will do horrific things to poor Jack ... if he hasn't already."
The thought made me angry, heartbroken and sad all at the same time, dangerous emotions in my opinion. As I could hear the footsteps of the team coming, I turned my head around and stalked off towards my team, leaving Melanie behind to fight the tears streaming down her face and mixing in with the rain.
"I don't want to hear it, Melanie," were my last bitter words towards the girl.
"Okay," JJ said as I reached the others. "What do you want us to do Hotch?"
"We need to be cautious and careful with our approach. This man is on a psychotic break and will stop at nothing to protect what he has. He is taking away the only thing that he values from his victims ... their freedom. Morgan, you and Prentiss take the back, Reid and JJ take either side just in case there is an escape route from there, I'll take the front of the shed."
"What about Melanie?" Morgan asked.
"I don't want to deal with her. She could make a mistake. Now go."
"Morgan that's the end of it."
Everyone was startled at the statement but broke off, each agreeing that they should talk later about this. Everyone pulled on their vest and tucked their guns at their sides, ready for business. Melanie watched as everyone rushed past her and down the bunker, sliding quietly down. She caught Morgan before he disappeared with the others. He sighed.
"What baby girl?"
"Is Hotch okay?"
"I don't know sweetheart."
"Did I do something wrong?"
He sighed. "No, but we'll talk later. I promise."
"What do I need to do?"
Before Melanie could say anything else, he ran down the hill and to the back of the shed where Prentiss stood. She pushed the hair out of her face and watched as Hotch stood patiently at the front the shed, his contours making his cheeks hollow and his mouth was pressed thinly. She watched as Reid stood at the side which loomed in front of her and Morgan and Prentiss at the back of the shed. JJ waited on the other side of the building.
Melanie wondered as she stared at Hotch, stone cold staring at the small door of that ever so familiar shed, wondering what caused Hotch to turned against her. She looked down and shivered, wanting so badly to put on the jacket and surround her, shielding her from the pouring rain. Her clothes clung to her tightly and only then did she notice the violent shaking racking through her body.
It's for Jack, she thought. He's the most important right now.
She rubbed the soft warm fabric under the jacket and wished she could be down there to help, to rush to the little boy's aid and wrap him up in this warm and take him home. This boy had a fever and for all he knew, he could be soaking wet inside the cold, damp shed. She remembered the musty smell and the cold floors. The cold, concrete floors that were constantly wet when rain slipped through the cracks.
Melanie looked up to the sky and said a quick prayer to whoever was up there. To keep the team safe, for Jack not to be harmed, and for Hotch ... for Hotch to get his son back safely and realize that he was the greatest father on the face of the earth to this little boy. Melanie knew that he could do it. That they would get out alive. She drew out the small black barrel.
As long as she could help it.
Word Count: 1136

Helpless (Aaron Hotchner Fanfic)
FanfictionIt's been three years since the tragic death of SSA Agent Hotchner's wife, Haley, and it seems as if time really does heal. Doing normal everyday things didn't bring back painful memories and it seemed like he was finally getting along with life. Th...