I slowly opened my eyes to peak out at a smoking barrel and the devilish grin on my keeper's twisted face. I could still hear the high pitched whizzing of a bullet running straight past my ear, almost as a taunt.
That taunt was followed by a pesky promise, as the wood behind me cackled at the force of a bullet penetrating its walls.
That promise that was made stated that the bullet wouldn't reach the wood again, but rather it travel right through the center of my head."Well, well," Lafayette dragged out. He examined the barrel of the gun carefully, as he couldn't manage to wipe the stupid grin of satisfaction away. "Sweetheart, I hope you don't mind a surprise every once in a while."
I shook but refused to show any fear. My body was aching and dripping wet, my hair falling in clumps of waves that stuck to my icy cheeks. My clothes clung onto me and dripped and I was beginning to see my shallow breaths manifest in small, white clouds. Lafayette's eyes bore into my head as it slowly began to hang lower and lower.
"Lafayette you will. Not. Win." I spat out. "You will not win your satisfaction you crave so much. I won't let you. Not after this. You can't win."
"Oh I can't win?" he mocked, his voice laced with sick acts of sadness. "Sweetheart, maybe you wont let me win everything," He took his barrel and lifted my head up to meet his eyes.
"But I will win one thing--
Our eyes bore into each other like pesky bullets ready to bite. The sinister sneer and taunts that swam in his eyes made me sick. My legs were shaking and my hair felt like it was turning into ice but my gaze just continued to drill into his face for as long as I could. This game of who would give up first would go on forever if we would let it. But one of us has to break it.
"Looks like we have to get going before your pesky little agent friends send their little squad of rats after the poor damsel in supposed 'distress'", Lafayette spoke after leaning back and going to grab his stuff. "After all No one likes rats. Especially not me."
I wanted to hold him off a long as I could in hoped of somebody sending a team, but I knew Lafayette would catch on and kill me right then and there. But honestly, at this point I wouldn't mind it. Every part of my body wanted this to be over. I knew it would never happen though. Not with Lafayette. My eyes traveled back and forth as he stomped over the rickety floor gathering guns and tools. My head leaned back and I gazed at this spacey roof. I was getting hopeless.
Who knows how long I'll have?
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a shadow. It wasn't Lafayette silhouette, because he was on the opposite side of the shack, his back turned towards me. My eyes darted to the spot and I saw a figure through the cracks of the shed and I could tell who it was.
It was Hotch.
My heart raced with excitement and fear for him. Did he come alone? Why was he here? I was scared. For the first time in a while I was genuinely scared for a person and that person was Aaron Hotchner. Why was he here and not with Jack? I was not worthy of taking this person away from his son. Where was the team?
I saw his shadow pressed up against the wall and watched as it moved slowly towards the back door. Lafayette turned around and faced me suddenly and I quickly moved my gaze to seem as though I had been staring at his back the entire time. He bought it. His boots clod their way over and stopped behind my chair as he began gathering the rope from behind. I wiggled my handcuffs in frustration.
"Frisky are we?" he growled. He slithered around the side of me and stopped.
"Frisky isn't the right word you're looking for I'm afraid," I said, a but louder than usual. "Its more like Sick."
I spat in his face and he stepped back surprisingly. The room became tense and angry as her sneer turned into a look of pure hatred. I had done something very dangerous and something I should have never done. Especially to James Lafayette. He growled angrily.
"That's it. Forget your agents! Forget everything." He turned and grabbed the nearest gun he had available to him. "This ends right here right-"
Hey guys!
Its hardly an update worthy of the neglect I've been putting on it lately but here it is!
Until next time,
~ Maddie :)
Word Count: 822

Helpless (Aaron Hotchner Fanfic)
FanficIt's been three years since the tragic death of SSA Agent Hotchner's wife, Haley, and it seems as if time really does heal. Doing normal everyday things didn't bring back painful memories and it seemed like he was finally getting along with life. Th...