Hotch rushed his team out to the SUVs as fast as the weather could allow him. It was now pitch black with terrible wind and his own suit jacket billowed behind him. He watched as Morgan shoved himself into the SUV and watched as the rest of the team clambered into the other. He squinted through the sheet of rain towards the front doors.
"Where's Melanie?" Morgan yelled through the window.
Hotch shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. But soon enough, Melanie came out in her jacket and a big bundle in her hands, running towards the SUV. Hotch opened the passenger side of the vehicle and Melanie ducked in, out of breath.
"Blankets," she breathed.
Hotch nodded thankfully and closed the doors, running around to the other side of the car and hurling himself in. All of the occupying members were dripping wet, all of the excess water dripping onto the leather seats. This might ruin the leather but Strauss would just have to deal with it because this was his gosh dang son and no matter what the circumstances, he was going to get him home safe.
Hotch started the car and raced out of the parking lot, lights on and really testing the speed of this vehicle. He could see JJ in the mirror driving the other SUV holding Reid and Prentiss hot on his their heels.
"Hotch I'm going to turn on the heaters is that alright?"
Hotch glanced over at Melanie, perplexed at her hesitant and shy voice. He nodded.
"Go ahead Melanie. There was no need to ask."
"Thank you Hotch," she said shyly and turned up the heat. "I wanted to make sure that the car was warm for Jack."
Hotch smile through the dark interior. He was so lucky to have a partner that cared so much about her team and his son. He definitely needed someone like Melanie on this team. Someone strong, confident ... beautiful. He shook his head. What the actual heck was that?
The SUV veered it's way through traffic. The tail lights of cars were streaks of light and the sound of honking horns were blurred noises. His son. Jack. That's all he was thinking about. Questions were running through his head at the speed of which the SUV was streaking down the highway. Melanie groaned.
"Melanie where am I supposed to go from here?" Hotch asked her as he veered right onto the dock roads driving further away from the city. The interior of the car was now dark, but Hotch could sense Melanie's frustration. Her breathing became quicker and lighter, almost as if she was hyperventilating.
"I-I don't know. Um, I didn't figure out where he would be ..." she said quickly.
Morgan leaned up from the back seat and put his hand on Melanie's shoulder. "Hey hey baby," he said softly. "Breathe ... breathe. We just need you to calm down and use your brain. That's all we want you to do. We'll help you ... it's not only your job."
Hotch drove down into the sand and stopped the car. "Melanie ... it's not your job to find my son.By yourself anyways. All we need you to do is to help us, not do all the work for us."
Melanie's dark silhouette stared at him through the darkness and Hotch watched as her hair moved in a nodding motion. He smiled the tiniest bit knowing that she is a part of their team and had got them this far already. Hotch reached out and patted Melanie's hand, resting on the console. She jumped back in surprise but welcomed the touch. Hotch was surprised ... he didn't know why he made such an intimate gesture. Maybe she needed it? He didn't know.
The other SUV pulled up behind them and Melanie wasted no time jumping out the door into the howling wind and rain to get started. Hotch followed suit, wanting her strong determination and will to find someone that had no relation to her. Melanie tore around the vehicle and grabbed a small red coat with fire trucks on it.
"He has-" Melanie yelled and pushed through the wind, "- to be somewhere close. The Unsub wouldn't have taken him far. This is for revenge, he wants you to find your son in order for you to see him torn down. But I promise as this temporary member for this team, I won't let that happen to this little boy. Hotch- you tell us what to do and we'll follow suit."
Hotch looked around at the dark shore line, shielding his eyes from the rain. Honestly, he didn't feel obligated to give out orders at the moment, even if he was Unit Chief. Melanie had taken this investigation in her own hands and this far already that he felt she should be giving orders.
"What do you propose, Agent Davis?" he asked.
Melanie took a step back, surprised at the new title and the question. "Um ... I think we need to split up. Go in groups of three one down each way. I need everyone's WTs on and on channel three. Radio if you find anything that will help. I need someone to have Garcia on speed dial and paramedics as well. We can't take any chances."
Everyone nodded and Hotch took Melanie and Prentiss with him and left JJ, Morgan and Reid to explore the other side. If Hotch knew anything ...
It was that they were one step closer to finding Jack.
Hey guys!
I finally updated! YASSSSSSS! I am so proud of myself. It may be short but that's okay. At least you got an update. :)
Word Count: 943

Helpless (Aaron Hotchner Fanfic)
FanfictionIt's been three years since the tragic death of SSA Agent Hotchner's wife, Haley, and it seems as if time really does heal. Doing normal everyday things didn't bring back painful memories and it seemed like he was finally getting along with life. Th...