7. Charity ball

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'What the fuck are you doing here?' Yes! Without the twins I could finally swear!

'To see if the light-weight princess is alright.'

The fact that he's seen me drunk and even carried my messy self to my own bed irritated me. I ignored him and kept walking.

He followed after me, 'so you're not gonna thank the person who took care of you when you're wasted?'

I stopped and looked at him annoyingly, 'first of all, I wasn't wasted,' which he only chuckled, 'and second of all, didn't I tell you to stop bothering me?'

He pretended to look offended, 'well, you said don't bother you last night, but you didn't say don't bother you after last night.' I was gonna defend myself but he continued,' besides, didn't you say you'll return my favour for helping you?'

Ugh, I hate owing people favours, 'yeah, and what is it that the almighty Liam Scott desperately needs help from?'

He smirked, 'come to the Imperial Charity Ball with me.'


What have I got myself into?

Liam brought me to Louis Vuitton and apparently already got my outfit sorted out. I'm now wearing the Long Double Plisse dress. And then I was brought to Christian Louboutin and given a pair of Naseeba heels. I was then escorted to Christian Dior to get a Calfskin Bee Clutch bag. Damn these things are all exquisite, how much did they cost?

A chauffeur came to pick me up in a Rolls Royce, and I found Liam inside.

'Um, Liam,' I broke the silence, so he looked at me, 'how much money do I owe you now?'

He smiled at me, this time actually looked genuine, 'these are the rewards for going to the ball with me,' I must have looked startled so he added, ' you look beautiful.'


WHen we arrived at a high class hotel in Central London, everyone was eyeballing us, which made me really uncomfortable.

In the escalator, there was only me and Liam.

'Thanks for coming with me,' Liam said, ' and it's gonna be fine, I know you're not used to these events.'

I actually once was used to attending these rich-people parties, but then Mum and Dad separated and I was never entitled to any of these things anymore... Well, Liam didn't have to know this much detail.

I tightened my grip on Liam's arm as we arrived at the top-floor function room. It was a very big room where everyone dressed up, so I didn't feel overdressed anymore.

I heard that everyone in Imperial are posh af, but I never expected them to be THAT posh...

'So Mariposa,' one of the students dressed in tux asked me, 'what wine do you think this is?' Oh dear, you're testing me. '2014 Montoya Cabernet Sauvignon? It's quite nice,' I'm counting on my luck now.

The people around us clearly looked surprised and so did that guy, 'you're correct... How do you know?' I shrugged and said,' my mother likes a glass here and there, but I don't know much.'

Well, actually both Mum and Dad liked red wine, I still remembered Dad used to teach me how to taste wine so that I could use my knowledge to wow my dad's other business partners... Fun times.


As we sat at the table, Liam whispered to me, 'they didn't embarrass you or harass you, did they?' I shook my head and said, 'nope, but the wine here sure is good!' He smiled at me gently.

He looked different today, a lot less cheeky but more gentleman-like.


'So it's time for the auction that everyone has been waiting for!' The host announced.

'The Auction?' I asked Liam. He leaned in and whispered, 'juts don't worry about what's about to happen next, I'll save you.'

Shit, I did NOT want to know what is about to happen.

'Our first lady that our gentlemen have the pleasure to spend the night with is... Mariposa Williams!'

What the hell did he just say?

I looked at Liam who was looking as guilty as anyone could ever look, while the flashlight was shone on me.

'This lady wowed everyone with her impressive knowledge with red wine tonight, and her beautiful face would surely be one of the greatest joy in life to appreciate!' The host continued.

I was furious now, how could Liam Scott fucking do this to me? Just auction me off for charity?

I pinched his hand, which was trying to hold me down on my seat, as hard as I could.

'Who's got a higher bid than 5000 pounds?' The last bid was by Liam.

'TEN THOUSAND POUNDS!' Someone from the back shouted, which sent chills down my spine.

'Fifteen thousand pounds!' Liam bid calmly.

'Anyone more than fifteen thousand pounds? Fifteen thousand pounds once. Fifteen thousand pounds twice. Fifteen thousand pounds three times! Congratulations, Mr Scott! Looks like our Liam Scott is really fond of his date tonight...'


'Ouch! Are you done beating me up?' Liam asked me painfully.

'Not until you nearly get auctioned off to some complete stranger!' I kept punching his arm on the ride back, cause he deserved it!

'Okay, okay, I told you I'm sorry!'

'And you think that's enough?' I punched him even harder.

He suddenly lowered the window to speak to the chauffeur, 'Mr. Taylor, could you stop right there?'

'What are you doing? Are you going to drop me off in the middle of nowhere? You're going to die a painful de...' He cut me off and said, 'just wait! Jesus Christ!'

We got off the car when it pulled over. We're at the shards.

We took the elevator to the very top floor, and I held Liam's arm tightly because I was scared of heights.

There was a single table with candles on it. On the table, there was a bunch of flowers and a chocolate cake.

Liam first handed me the flowers and said, 'I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the auction,' he looked very genuine and sorry, 'would you just spend the evening with me?' I took the flowers and nodded.

The only light in the whole room was from the candles, so I paid even more attention to Liam's features. I really liked his eye colour, I've never seen someone with grey eyes. I also really liked how his nose crinkled slightly when he smiled.

'So Liam, what do you study at Imperial?' I just realised I've never asked him that.

'Oh, I'm in my third year of medical school.'

My eyes widened and said, 'really? I study medicine as well! But I'm only in my first year.'

'And do you have anything to share about yourself?' Liam asked.

'Hmm... Oh! You know the twins that I was carrying at the hospital? They're my half brothers, our parents died so I have to raise them from now on.'

He looked surprised but quickly went back up his cheeky self ,' oh I knew it! I always thought you're body is a bit too fit to have given birth half a year ago, haha...'

I stared daggers at him and said, 'one thing you don't know about me is that I'm sick at martial arts, so if you're not careful with your words,' I raised my fist at him. He pretended to flinch so we both laughed.

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