24. Twenty million

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I woke up in a completely strange environment, my body soaking wet from the water they splashed at me.

'Who are you?' I asked the people sitting in front of me.

'Your father's old friends,' a guy in a leather jacket and a full face of beard answered.

Oh yeah, tying your old friend's daughter up was the thing you do. Of course.

I looked around to see that my brothers were nowhere to be seen. Shit.

'Where are my brothers?' I asked them, trying to sound as emotionless as I could be.

He laughed and showed me a screen, 'they're safe in the little nursery we got 'em.'

Damn his cockney accent was strong.

Next to me, Flynn was still unconscious. Both of us were handcuffed to some metal pipes.

'What do you want from us?' I asked them.

'For a young girl like you you seem to be quite tough,' he commented.

Fuck I'm so scared, but I couldn't show them.

'We don't need much, twenty million quid will do,' he said.

'Well, I don't have it.'

' That was exactly what your father said when we found him,' he said.

'What's that got anything to do with him?' I'm getting more confused.

'He borrowed 5 million from us,' another guy said, this one with a strong Eastern European accent.

What? I thought he only borrowed money from the bank.

And they're wanting 15 million more back? How did that work?

'Yeah, good old Tom thought he could win more money from gambling so that he could save his company!' All the men were laughing. Hysterical bastards.

'I can't help you with that, he's dead,' I told them nonchalantly.

The guy in the leather jacket said, 'no, of course you can't.'

'Then let us go!' I tried to control my voice so I wouldn't sound like I'm in a panic.

'Your little boyfriend's family can, they're rich, innit?'

No, don't get them involved.

'I've got nothing to do with him, we've broken up,' I said,' and we've got no money to return, I'm sorry.'

Someone pretended to sound like they're crying, while the others laughed. Well, that was nice.

Their head smacked the back of the guy's head and said,' sorry, we shouldn't behave like that in front of a princess like you.'

And they all started laughing again.

'Just let us go now and we won't report it,' I tried to negotiate, 'I swear to god.'

'Aww, look at the little princess try to do us justice!'

'For fuck's sake, why does my head hurt so bad?' Flynn finally woke up.

'Flynn, we're kidnapped,' I whispered to him.

He started trembling and begging them,'please let us go! I'll give you all my money!'

The men laughed, 'oh, and how much do you have?'

'Do you have twenty million quid?'

'Twen...twenty million?' Flynn asked.

I sighed, 'I'm sorry, it was dad. He borrowed 5 million and they are asking for 20 back.'

' That's not how interests work!' Flynn shouted.

But the man slapped him across his face so hard that his head banged on the wall behind him, so he's unconscious again.

I looked to find no blood, luckily.

'Right, listen. I, or any of the people you kidnapped have no money whatsoever. And I am 100% sure that Liam Scott nor his family will be sending that big amount to save me,' I said,' they're pretty heartless people anyways.'

The man now came closer to me and tipped my face up so I'm looking at him now.

'Princess, I don't give a damn about who's the nicest rich family in England,' ugh he looked like a goblin, 'if I don't get the money by Friday, you and your fam will be joining Tom in hell.'

A chill went down my spine and I used all my strength to suppress the tremble.

'Let's see who's going to hell first.'

Shit, I, no, we're all dying.

I can't let my brothers die.

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