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Jimin's POV                                                                                                                                       So now we were on our way to our house.           I was in the driver seat while Jackson was sitting in the backseat with tae ,bc he cling to him and didn't let him Come and sit at the passenger's seat .                                                                                                                                         of course Jackson couldn't say no ,so he end up there with tae cuddling to his side like a koala .  he's so cute like that .                                                                                                                       But honestly I didn't expect him to react like that bc I thought he won't be able to remember them cause it's been so many years since he saw them .                                                                                                                                   But I think this kid have a good memory.              Tbh I was surprised when I saw them at my shop too, I didn't expect them to return , and they didn't mention anything about coming back when we talked Which was rare.                                                                                                    I could talk to them only if they had time and it's was like once a month or sometimes once after two months.                                                        I didn't tell tae and Jungkook that I was talking to them bc it wasn't safe for them .                                                                                             but I always showed amber and Jackson ,tae and Jungkook's pic and how they grow up and how tae became an angel and Jungkook become an devil.                                                     they always laughed when I said that.                                                                                                    But I think they could see that Jungkook is really become a devil himself, but I love my brothers till death.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       it's was really a torture for me to think of it bc after all they were my best friends and all of that happened bc of me, besides I felt bad lying to my own brothers .                                                                                                                         I did a stupid thing when I was younger and I fucked up things, And they had to pay for it bc I wasn't mature in that time and I did smth wrong . And they wanted to protect me and my brothers .                                                                                                                                              So i didn't think they could come back bc there will be problems but who cares they're here and I'm happy. But still we gotta be careful.                                                                                                                                                          There was a time when they and my Hyung's too the four of them saved the three of us, and teach us so many things.                                     And eventually I had some people who would be by my side a family who will support me , someone who will guide me .                                don't get me wrong I had my brothers back then who are the reason I live but they were so young so They couldn't help me at that time. That's why I'm really greatfull to my Hyung's and these two idiots who were with me at my hard times.                                                                    i could remember When they left tae cried so hard even Jungkook cried , I could feel thier sadness , But I couldn't do anything .                      I just remember yalling at them to not ask why they left, and they didn't talk about it again I think they understood that they will only open up wounds.                                                                      Of course I couldn't tell them the real reason, and I never will. Cause they shouldn't know that at all, it's for thier sake.                                       I went out of my daze when I heard Jackson clearing his throat .                                                    " chim whatcha thinking?!" he said looking concerned , I saw him at the rear mirror .              " nothing don't worry about it" I said smiling ,I don't think he bought that.                                    "jimin seriously. u think Bc I was away for too long I can't know if my best friend is ok or not?!, come on split the tea!" He said , see I knew it .                                                                             I sighed and said " I will tell u later" as I pointed at tae with my eyebrows in the rear mirror although tae was sleeping.                           I didn't want Them to know how terrible I'm doing these days so I'm playing it safe and I will tell Jackson some other time when we're alone.                                                                              And besides I think he understood me so he nodded,. As he closed his eyes and laid his head on tae's head.                                                                        I seriously don't want my brother to know that my nightmares are returning again, cause they will be sad and I don't want that to happen.             I used to have them a lot when I was Younger, i could say that one night didn't pass that I won't get up from my sleep bc of those nightmares which Were all bc of my past that I don't wanna remember at all.                                                          And after the nightmares I couldn't go back to sleep So I ended up using pills to sleep .              and that was the worst thing I ever did.                   Bc after I used the pills I became so attracted to them that if I didn't take them every night I won't be able to sleep.                                              But eventually I quit using them , and that's all thanks to suga Hyung bc he helped me to not take them and be able to sleep without them. It was hard at first but I was able to overcome it.                I'm really grateful for him.                                       I was cut out of my daze again when we arrived at our house.                                                                 " Here we are" I said to Jackson as he Opened his eyes and looked at the house.                            i went and parked my car in the garage as Jungkook parked his car beside mine.                      I get off my car as I went to the other side of my car and opened the door to bring tae bc he was sleeping and I didn't want him to wake up.                                         I picked him up and put his head on my shoulder as I grabbed his thighs, he's such a flyweight I think he should eat more.                    I saw Jackson got off the car as well .                                " kook ,Can u open the door?" I said to Jungkook quietly , as he nodded and went to open the door for us .                                                  Jackson and amber were walking besides me as they observed the house , and they didn't talk bc they didn't want to wake tae up.                                                                    Jungkook has already opened the door when we arrived to the front door ,  I went to tae's room immediately, which was on the second floor.                                                                                 I opened his bedroom door carefully Not wanting to wake him up and I laid him on his bed , I took his shoes off with his jacket and his pants, and I laid the sheets above him before I left his room I kissed his forehead.                                           After that I closed the door. I went to the living room,bc I think kook, amber and Jackson were there .it was 8:40 now that I looked at my watch .                                                                           As I was coming Downstairs i heard them talking to each other.                                                 " I don't kno—." Kook stop when I arrived.               " what's the thing that u don't know?!" I asked him as I sit at the couch beside amber.                                " Jackson and I were asking how the fuck u could afford buying a place like that?!!" Amber answer almost screaming," chim u can tell us if u did u know, we can understand" Jackson added.                                                                  seriously those crackheads why would they think like that, I could see Jungkook already on the floor laughing his ass of this Devil.                    Let me play a game on them .                                    " W-well Jackson, amber. u see I wanna tell u smth" I said stuttering( I don't stutter usually),pretending that I was going to say smth I've been hiding.                                        I think the idiot on the floor figured out what I was planning bc he got up and sat on the bean bag that was there.                                                                      " well"    "I" " didn't" I paused a little " do anything bad " I said and laughed my ass off when I saw thier faces after What I just said , it's really funny.                                                                            " aish Hyung, ur so lameee" kook said as he laughed as well.                   " yah why did u do that ?!" Jackson said as I took my tongue out at him and amber hit me playfully .                                                                   " Hyung's and dear noona , I know u will miss me after leaving but I gtg cause u know I have a really lovable, wonderful place tomorrow that I love so much and I have to go to it every day and interrupt my precious sleep for which is college aka hell, so I gotta sleep and leave u" Jungkook said sarcastically as he get up.                             seriously this kid never Learn to do anything normally, but I can't blame him he's my brother.                                                                       " good night Jungkook" me ,amber and Jackson said to him as he mumbled a quite goodnight to us on his way upstairs.                             "jiminah why do I see a lot of u in him As well?!" Jackson said smirking as I glared at his and he shut up and amber laughed at us .                  "  yah , u two stop it . I'm really tired jiminah, where can i sleep?!" Amber asked yawning , " yeah me too" Jackson said yawning as well.                                                   " well u can sleep at the guests room, me and Jackson will sleep at my room bc the bed is big " I said To them.                                                              " ok" mumbled amber and Jackson nodded, and we all got up .                                                      I showed her the guest room and gave her some of my clothes Bc thier bag didn't arrive yet .                                                                             me and Jackson went to my room,                      I think we all were really tired .                                  I gave Jackson something to wear, and after we changed ,we said goodnight and we went straight to sleep.                                                            -                                                                                  -                                                                                   -                                                                                        ——————————————————————.           Hope u enjoy

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