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Yoongi's POV    
It's already past midnight but I can't seem to fall asleep strangely so I asked jin Hyung to go to sleep since he's looking exhausted , giving me a hesitated nod he went to sleep and i took his place .

Looking at Jimin he's still the same but now he doesn't sweat that much I think he's getting better, he should wake up before I get angry I hate seeing him this powerless it's killing me I've never seen him this vulnerable and I hate it heartly.

Suddenly Jimin began to mumble something 'what's he saying?' I got curious so I went closer and the thing I heard broke me , " I love you mama" he said god he is dreaming about his mom after hearing what he said I went to my seat again looking blankly at the floor.

I was still in my own thoughts when I heard some noises , I looked at Jimin he was moving I went near him hoping it's not another nightmare.

" Jimin wake up" I said softly he begin to move his hands and suddenly he opened his eyes he looked around for a second then he looked at my eyes , " y-yoongi H-Hyung is that y-you?" He said looking at me " no I'm The grim reaper " I said rolling my eyes.

" Jesus Hyung what's wrong with you, why did I even asked you that question?" He said rolling his eyes, trying to sit up " here let me help you " I said after chuckling at him.

" how much have I been out?" He said holding his head " well if we count yesterday as well , it was Monday when you passed out and now it's Thursday so it means three days in total" I said looking at him he just nodded mumbling a 'Jesus' .

suddenly Jimin  got up walking to the door  he can't even walk properly " where are you going?" I said raising an eyebrow, " I need to go somewhere" he said not looking at me.

" where are you going exactly when you can't even walk properly for gods sake?" I said going to grab him before he fell down , " I really need to go Hyung , let me go please" he said looking at me this time.

His eyes showed a lot of emotions pain, longing and a slight of something else that I can't put my fingers on which surprised me ,how could I refuse his request " ok Jesus but you're not going alone I'm coming with you and that's final" I said sighing ,he sighed nodding .

We went out of the house walking to my car after putting Jimin in the passenger seat I went to the driver's and started driving , with Jimin telling me the directions we got to the place that he wanted to go to after an hour.

Looking at my window I could see we're at a graveyard this is really surprising why would he want to come here , 'oh shit or he came to visit Someone but who?'.

Looking at Jimin he's already outside the car so I got out as well going to his side, he begin walking with me following him without questioning him he look thankful for me not asking him any questions.

It's 6am and we look really creepy coming here this early but if jimin wanted to come here then we will be creepy and come here. After a few minutes of walking Jimin stop in front of a grave,  " park shin hye , February 18th 1969- September 1st 1998" is written on the grave stone is this his mother.

" hey mama I'm here" he said kneeling before the grave , so I was right this is his mother and he's here for a visit this really surprised me because Jimin was never the one to think about his past or that's what we thought.

The grave looks clean so that means that he was coming here usually or he has asked someone to clean it for him and I bet it's the first one , Jimin might not show it but he really is still living in his past although he says the opposite but he's still stuck in there. Looking at the grave again I now notice that the death day of Jimin's mother is kook's birthday as well, did she die giving birth to him, oh god that must've hurt them all and besides she was really young when she died she was only 29.

I pity them all they really don't deserve this the world has been way too hard on them already, I just don't know why it became even harder haven't they already been through a lot.

" I came again mama , just like always but this time I brought my Hyung along" he said caressing the grave and talking to it as if he was talking to his mother.

" his name is yoongi hyung the one that I always complain about his laziness and how scary he's when we try to wake him up , I think kook got his laziness from him but although he could be scary sometimes but he's a really good Hyung he took care of us all" he said looking at me smiling sadly.

" hey Mrs. park I'm min yoongi jimin's Hyung, and please don't listen to him I'm not that lazy I just don't like to work and drain my energy , although hobi always complains about it but he always let me be lazy after all" I said sitting besides Jimin on the ground he looked at me surprised.

" I may have not met you in this life but I know you were a wonderful person to give birth to these three amazing brothers, you know Mrs.park I'm always wandering how can brothers have a bond like them it's really unique sometimes I envy them but know one thing you gave birth to wonderful humans .

I wish you could've seen them now they really grown up so much , they sometimes get into trouble but don't worry they got their Hyungs with them we all will always protect them they're our younger brothers after all , and I hope to meet you in another life time so Rest In Peace for now" I said feeling my eyes getting watery but I didn't cry.

Looking at Jimin he's biting his hand trying not to cry after locking his eyes with me he broke down crying " t-tha-thank y-you h-Hyung...." he said choking on his sobs as I rubbed my hand on his back and hugging him letting him cry what's he been putting inside.

After a while Jimin calmed down , braking the hug he looked at me " t-thank you Hyung this really means a lot not many people visit her,  I can't bring tae and kook even on her anniversary because I can't see their faces when they find out the truth I can't let them know that the day she died was kook's birthday I couldn't get myself to tell them what happened that day I couldn't say his birthday is the day our mother died after so many years , he's sensitive to this matter he will get hurt I can't do it ,Hyung I'm not doing a mistake by not telling them right?" He said looking at me with sad eyes.

I just sighed looking at the grave he's right this will destroy kook and tae Especially kook because he will think that his mother died because of him , he may seem strong on the outside but he's really sensitive on the inside and this truth will crush him.

" Jimin it won't benefit any of them to know not your mom not tae and not kook, if kook knew that it was because of him that his mother died he will be crushed so does tae your mom wouldn't want her children to be hurt would she? But know that you can't hide this from them forever someday the truth will be relieved but we don't know when so we just have to wait till they ask you about her maybe then you can tell them Jimin kook and tae are old enough now they're not the little kook and tae anymore they will understand I'm sure " I said after a long thinking.

" it's not kook's fault that she died it's was that man's..." I hear Jimin mumble what does he mean by that , I'm curious as hell but I won't ask because he may get hurt by me questioning more I already know so much .

" you're right Hyung they're old enough to know the truth but still I can't get myself to tell them but I won't try to hide it from them either, before when they asked where our mother's grave was I always said that I didn't know closing their questions but now if they ask I won't hesitate to bring them here maybe they will be hurt but I can't forbid them from knowing , thank you again Hyung" he said looking at me thankfully.

" no problem Jiminie , Hyung's always here for you dont forget that" I said patting his back. A while later I decide to get up " I think we should go back now , what you think?" I said reaching my hand for Jimin to take it , he take it getting up as well.

" Mrs. Park it was really nice meeting you I will come to visit you again" I said bowing to the grave as Jimin watched me , " mama I will come another time again and maybe I will get kook and tae with me so you could see how much they've grown up, love you mama" jimin said and with that we started to walk to the car after getting inside I started to drive again while Jimin passed out on the passenger seat.

Today was a really surprising day for me , I hope kook and tae will take the truth lightly especially kook I really Hope happiness for them.
Guys thank you so much for your support and here's a new chapter

Hope you enjoy.

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