Chapter 17

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The world seemed to freeze around me. I walked over to Logan and frowned at the situation. He was paused mid sentence, mouth open. Then I ran back over to Roman and Patton.
Patton was hugging Roman and crying into him while Roman looked in the distance in shock. I reached out and tried to touch Roman's face to wipe away tears. When I did, a ripple affect of gold appeared and time started up but it was super slow.
"You're trapped here too?" A voice called from the distance.
I looked in that direction to see a girl about 7 or 10 looking up to me. "Where is here, kid?" I asked, trying not to freak out.
"I call it a time warp." She giggled lightly, "It's really cool."
"Uhm, sure," I said hesitantly, thinking that 'cool' wasn't how I'd describe it.
"Is that your room right there?" She got on her tip toes to look in the window of room 209.
"No, I don't have a room at the hospital."
"Then why is that boy like you sleeping in that bed?"
"What?" I rush over but go right through the door.
I quickly turn and look back at the girl in fear but she's gone. I turn back to where I was looking and see....myself.
Oh, I must be dissociating. I'm totally dissociating. Yet, then how did I pass through the door? Am I...a spirit?
"Am I dead?" I mutter aloud and look over at the bpm to see if my heart was beating.
Luckily for me, It is. I sigh in relief before realizing something else. The little girl...she's a spirit too. Is she dead or is she like me? Alive by machines?
My heart yearned for her. She needed to live too. Though, she has been here longer than me by how she described it. That made it worse.
I make my way over to my body and look down on it. My chest was rising and falling slowly, but I looked peaceful. It wasn't weird for me to see this sight of me since I was used to dissociating from time to time.
I placed my hand on my own hand and, as if I had woken up, I got pulled down into myself.

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