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Author POV:

"Wha-The.. Did she block me?" Brick whispered, his eyebrows furrowed as he kept staring down at his phone screen. "Well that's not going to be enough to ignore me."

Brick pressed on his brothers number contact and waited for the idiot to pick up. "Hellooooooo" Boomer yelled through the phone before letting out a chuckle.

"Boomer are you drunk?" Brick asked, a bit concerned for his brother. "Drunk? me? pfft no!" Boomer was clearly lying but Brick didn't want to ask further questions. "ugh, okay whatever. I called because I want to know if you still got Bubbles phone number," Brick asked. "I don't." Boomer simply said.

"W-What? why?" Boomer let out a sigh, "Look Brick, I erased her phone number from my phone long time ago and I don't really want to talk about her." Boomer's tone of voice started to sound like he was annoyed. "But Boomer-"

"I got to go, I have company. Talk to me later." Boomer hanged up the phone leaving Brick pissed off.

"Whatever, I'll just go to Bubbles cafe shop." Brick said, He looked down at his watch seeing it was only 8:45PM meaning it should still be open. Brick grabbed one of his black jackets and left his apartment.

While flying to the cafe shop, his head kept running with thoughts why Blossom would suddenly block him in social media.

Brick landed on the ground and saw Bubbles locking up shop, "How come your closing up so early?" Brick asked. Bubbles jumped up being startled from Brick's presence, "Don't scare me like that, Jeeze Brick." Bubbles said, her left hand on her heart.

"Sorry." he whispered, "I'm closing up early because my sister got sick and my father wasn't able to see her today since he had to go for a meeting, so I'm bringing her some soup and m&m cookies." Bubbles said, holding up the basket with a friendly smile.

'She looks like red riding hood' Brick thought, the way Bubbles was dressing made anybody think she was the sweet little red riding hood girl. "How come your here? Did you want a hot drink or baked desserts?" Bubbles asked, titling her head to the right.

"No I'm actually here to ask if I could have your older sister's phone number or um address to her apartment." Brick asked, scratching the back of his neck, feeling his cheeks heat up red from embarrassment and shyness.

"Blossom's phone number.. well um.." Bubbles didn't know how to respond. She badly shipped her sister with the leader ruff but then again, this is Brick from the famous criminal group Rowdyruff Boys also famous fuckboy..or was that Butch?

Brick seem to notice Bubbles blank face which meant she must be in deep thought.

'What to do..what to do.. If I give him Blossom's phone number Blossom would be happy..right? But Buttercup is right Brick is a player.'

"Uh Bubbles that's alrig-"

"NO! DON'T GO!" Bubbles yelled. Brick's eyes widen and he flinch from Bubbles sudden yell. Bubbles cleared her throat and fixed her jacket, "I mean no, don't go just yet." Brick nodded his head slowly, "Okay.."

"Well first Brick, my sister just moved. She lives in a house now and she's sick so I don't feel like it would be best for you to go see her at this moment b-but I can tel-" Bubbles was cut off by Brick gritting his teeth in a frustration.

"Your bringing that basket to your sister right? Well why don't I do the favor and bring the food to her, you can get home and rest so..What you say?" Brick asked. Bubbles looked away and bit her bottom lip "My ship my ship" Bubbles mumbled.

"Huh? what did you say?" Brick asked, sounding confused. "Okay fine. Here," Bubbles handed the basket over to Brick. "Just make sure to not get th-" "Okay thanks, see ya later Bubbles."

and Just like that..

Brick was gone.

Bubbles sighed and crossed her arms with a grin on her lips, "He has it bad for her."

Geeky Sis🤓❤️

Bubbles Utonium

Blossom, I won't be able to come over.

Geeky sis❤️🤓

What? But I really want soup

Bubbles Utonium

Ik and I already got somebody who's going to deliver it for you since I can't make it.

Geeky sis❤️🤓

Why can't you make it? and Who?

Bubbles Utonium

You know taka-chan doesn't like it when I come home late.

Geeky sis❤️🤓

Ugh you really need to leave that asshole

Bubbles Utonium

whatever sis

Geeky sis❤️🤓

but fr who is bringing me my food? I look like a mess right now.

Bubbles Utonium


Geeky sis❤️🤓

but who? name? Gimme details

Bubbles Utonium

it's just somebody. I think you know him, he's an old friend.

Geeky sis❤️🤓

Old friend?

Geeky sis❤️🤓


Read 9:09PM



What am I doing with my life? .-.

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