v. sorry, joe

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CHURROS v, sorry, joe

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v, sorry, joe

It has been one week and beck was currently hanging at Starbucks with her girls.

"Paco's the sweetest. You'll have to meet him." Beck gushed about paco, then sighed.

"You ok?" Lynn ask her.

"Perfectly fine." She sipped her coffee, then glanced at the time on her phone, "Shit." She mumbled, rising out her seat, and gathering all her things up.

"What?" Annika shrugged.

"Nothing, I'll see you later." Beck rushed out. While she was rushing, she saw peach. She didn't stop though. She walked up to the car and got in the backseat.



Peach kept her eyes on the car and thought for a second, then continued to stark bucks. She walked in and spotted the girls.

"Oh hey. Beck just left." Lynn said and peach nodded, while thinking about what she just saw. Was beck cheating on joe?




Joe was at work, managing and putting books where they belong. He then got a text. He glanced at his phone and it was from peach.

Messages between joe and peach

does beck have a new man in her life?

no peach.
wtf are you talking about now?

oh nothing. i just saw her get in a car. with some random person. just checking. if she does, that's totally an upgrade form you 🙂


Joe read the last text and rolled his eyes, then quickly dialed beck's number.

"Hiii." Beck spoke and joe sighed.

"I'm taking peach's side, just making sure. Did you get in a car with some guy?" He ask, hoping she'll say no. But you can't always get what you wish for.

"His name is benji. He offered to help with my writing." She said joe walked to the back.

"Seriously? You don't even know this guy. I don't know this guy. What if he's a stalker?" Joe couldn't control how he was feeling and that was jealousy.

"He's not, trust me. Want me to send you a pic? Will that help your ego?"

"I'm not worried about my ego. I'm worried about you." He sat on the bench.

"I'm fine. I'm gonna send you the pic." She then hung up. To beck it was a harmless send so joe would stop worrying about her. To joe, he was gonna kill this motherfucker.




Peach was watching tv on her bed when all of a sudden, Beck is calling her.

"Hi beckalish." Peach answered.

"Since when are you and joe buddy buddy?" Beck was curious. She knew something was up. Peach, hates joe.

"You're his girlfriend and I just wanted to make sure what was going on and what is going on? Who was that?" Peach pulled out her laptop, getting ready to look this person up.

"His name is benji, well Benjamin J. Ashby III." Beck spoke while peach typed it in.

"He sounds too official, especially for you." Peach scrolled through his pictures.

"Thanks peach.", Beck was sarcastic, "But um, can I come over?"

"Sure. Trouble in paradise?" Peach, smirked.

"No. I'll be over in an hour." Beck hung up.




Joe wasn't home, he was hunting benji down. But little did he know, he should've went for peach that night.

Peach and beck were drinking wine, like there was no tomorrow. They were both drunk and peach of course had specific intentions.

"God, sometimes I just wanna get away and live in a fantasy." Beck admitted.

"What if the fantasy turns into a reality?" Peach, took another sip of her wine

"Then I'd totally love it." Beck was drunk, but peach was more drunk.

They kept their eyes on each other for a good few seconds, until....

They were upstairs in peach's room, getting it on.

"Wait." Beck pulled back, "I love joe."

"Beckalish, if he loves you, he wouldn't argue about me all the time and he should trust you about the whole benji thing." Peach paused, and beck was just staring at her. "Beck...I love you." She confessed.

Beck pulled her into a kiss and they continued the night in the bedroom. It was the start of new feelings, but beck still loves joe.

On the other hand, joe finally found benji but it wasn't time to strike yet. If he did now, it would seem suspicious, so he went back home and see if beck was free. But we know she isn't at the moment.

 But we know she isn't at the moment

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