viii. hello, you

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CHURROS viii, hello, you

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viii, hello, you

"Who the hell are you!" Joe immediately turned as he heard his voice. Damnit.

Joe pointed his gun right at benji, pulled the trigger back and released. Blood splattered everywhere. Joe looked down at the bullet hole in benji's head. Well that's gonna leave an ugly dent. He thought, before coming up with a plan to get rid of his body.

He paced back and forth for about 10mims deciding. A light bulb went off in his head and the first thing he did was clean all the blood. Then moved benji to his trunk. He was gonna burn him, postmortem. He drove to the farthest woods possible and found a secure place for benji to enter hell.

He popped his trunk open and threw benji over his shoulder. He carried him deep into the woods and when he thought they were far enough, he tossed him down. He grabbed a flashlight from his back pocket and turned it on. It was pitch black and if he was gonna get this done, he needed some light. He went around searching for some sticks to set the base for the fire.

Once he got back to the site, he set the sticks up. He picked up benji's body and threw over the sticks. He then planed the flashlight in his mouth so he can pull out the lighter. He held the lighter in his hand and switched it on. Before burning benji, he looked at his body for a second, then lit it.




On the other hand, Beck was just about to get in the bed until her phone that was left on the counter started ringing. She groaned tiredly, walking to it. She looked at the caller ID and it was peach. She picked the call up, "It's close to midnight. Why are you calling me?"

"I wanted to apologize. I should've never said those things. But like, he's always jealous and paranoid anyways." Peach said on the other line.

"Seriously, peach? Besides, now he actually has a reason to be cause of you. You basically ruined my relationship." Beck blames peach.

"No honey. You ruined it when you decided to kiss me back." Peach defended herself and beck just ran her fingers through her hair, sighing.

"Listen, I have things to do tomorrow. Goodnight." Beck hung up and finally went to sleep.




It was the next morning and joe was at the bookstore. He stood behind the desk, looking through his phone.

He heard the door chimed, signaling that the store got a new customer. He looked at her legs and he liked what he saw. His eyes followed her legs as they walked to the mystery aisle.

"Hello, you." He mumbled.

Lost in his thoughts, he didn't realize pretty legs approached him.

"Um hello?" The burnette waved her hand in his face to get his attention. He finally looked at her and she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Hi, what do you need?" He tried to play it off but to her it was obvious.

"Know any good mystery books, Joe?" She glanced at his name tag.

"Follow me," He moved from behind the desk and began to walk to the mystery aisle, "So since we're on the first name basis..." He trailed off.

"The name's Love." She simply said, moving in front of him a bit and he slightly smirked.

"So what kind of mystery are you looking" He walked close to her.



Beck was just on her way to run an errand, but she had to see joe first and try to clear the air. She walked two blocks from her house and approached his bookstore. Just as she was about to walk in, she noticed through the glass window — joe giggling with some girl.

She noticed the girl leaving, so she quickly turned around and acted as if she was on her phone. Once she heard the door chime, she turned around and watched the burnette walk off in the other direction before walking into the store.

She walked up to joe and joe just stared back at her.

"We need to talk." She demanded.

"I don't want to talk to you beck." He calmly said, before tuning around and attending to the books to be put away. Of course beck followed.

"Why is this so hard for you? It was a mistake." She argued.

"Which should've never happened. The worst part was that I had to hear it from peach, a woman I despise." He turned around to look at her for a second.

"I'm sorry, joe." She softly said.

"Sorry it's not going to cut it this time, Guinevere." He continues to put books away, leaving beck just standing there in her own sorrow.

a/n :: finally updated!! & woah, looks like Love has joined this messed up gang

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a/n ::
finally updated!! & woah, looks like Love has joined this messed up gang. so who's gonna win joe's heart now? is there still a chance for beck and peach?

Churros,                                                                  YOU auWhere stories live. Discover now