xi. love

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CHURROS xi, love

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xi, love

(( Joe's Thoughts ))

She's so pretty. How'd I get so lucky? Then again, what was peach's motive to telling me about her and beck?

Joe, stop. Stop thinking about peach & beck. You're done with that.

(( Joe's Thoughts ))

Love sat on his lap, bringing him back to reality. She had a smile on and so did he.

"What you thinking about?" She combed her hand through his hair. Joe's head went back as she had her hand in his hair. His eyes were slowly closing as a result of how nice it felt.

"Mhm?" She called out.

He opened his eyes, "How'd I get so lucky." His head was back as her hand was still in his hair. She lightly chuckled as she leaned down to kiss him. Their lips touched as she slid her hand in his pants. She started to stroke his dick in his pants. Just as it was getting hot, there was a knock on the door.

Love got up and crossed her arms, "I swear the next time that door makes a sound, I'm stealing you away to California." She left to the bathroom.

Joe got up and went to the door. He opened it and it was the police.

"Does a Joe Goldberg live here?" A white policeman ask. Joe didn't know what was happening. All he knew was to stay calm and maybe it'll be fine. Just maybe.

"That's me. Is there a problem officer?" Joe ask. Love was still in the bathroom and didn't come out until handcuffs were being put on him.

"You are under arrest for the murder of Benjamin Ashby Jr. III." The police cuffed him. Joe shook his head as he saw love come to the door. She ignored him and interrupted it.

"What's going on? Joe!" Love called out as the policemen took him downstairs and of course she followed.

As the policeman took him to the car, "You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney and if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. If you waive these rights and talk to us, anything you say may be used against you in the court of law."



Love watch as they drove off. She immediately ran back to the apartment to quickly put clothes on and went straight to Moonie's. She needed to to figure this out, so she thought that Ethan might know where Beck lives.

She walked in the bookstore and stood near the entrance looking for Ethan, instead she spotted beck at the front desk.

"He isn't here." Love spoke and beck turned around.

"How do you know if I was looking for him?" Beck said.

"Why else would you be here?" Love crossed her arms, she had a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Do you know where he is?" Beck answered her question with a question.

"That's what I need to talk to you about." Love walked closer with her arms crossed.



"I didn't call the cops on joe!" Beck yelled. They were now in the basement of the store. They asked ethan if they could talk down there cause they knew that this conversation wasn't going to be quiet.

"Really?! Cause it seems like you can't handle the fact that he's happy with someone else now. So you call the cops just to make sure we're not together. Petty and I know petty." Love said.

Beck took a deep sigh before speaking again, "I did nothing. I swear. But calling the cops over this situation is stupid."

"Well someone did and if it isn't about this, then what's it about?" Love quickly responded.

Beck was thinking about that question that had just been asked and her mind wandered towards Peach. Peach is the only one who would have motive of doing something like this. But what was confusing was the reason. Was there even a reason?

"I think I might have an idea of who." Beck finally said.




Joe sat in the interrogation room waiting for the cop to come back. He was still in handcuffs. He didn't really care that Love hadn't stop by yet cause he knew that she would help and that's what she was doing. He tapped his foot as he waited and waited. Only about half an hour later, the cop finally came back.

He opened the door and closed it right behind him. He sat across from joe and stared into his eyes.

"So joe, you finally gonna talk?" The officer ask.

"....Yeah." He calmly said.

"Oh, good." The officer nodded and took out more pictures of benji's dead body out the folder.

"I want my lawyer." Joe was stern.

The officer looked back at the mirror that the officers from the outside were looking through. He turned back around and sighed, letting his shoulders slouch while sinking into his chair a little bit at Joe's response.

 He turned back around and sighed, letting his shoulders slouch while sinking into his chair a little bit at Joe's response

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Churros,                                                                  YOU auWhere stories live. Discover now