Chapter 13

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When we got home from the movie and dinner Andy asked me to sit in the lounge room so I walk in and sit on the lounge. Andy walks in followed by Tim and Ant and Andy sits down next to me and he says "your fathers and I have a present for you". He hands me a bag and I slowly open it to see a brand new IPhone 6s which I have been looking at and wanting and now I have. I pull it out of the bag and a case comes out after it. I pull the phone out of the box and Andy says to me "all your bills I will be paying so you don't need to worry about that. Your fathers bought the phone and I will be paying the bills ok so please don't stress about it". I throw myself into his arms then I throw myself at Tim and Ant as well. I put the phone in the case as Andy put the sim card in it for me. I look at the case and I can see that Anthony picked it out as it's his style, I love his style. I look at the phone and Andy says to me I will put all your contacts in it tomorrow once you charge it overnight. I nod my head and think to myself that I have the best fathers who adopted me and the best boyfriend in the world. I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't met them. I know one thing for sure that I would be still in the refuge. I hated that place so I'm glad that I have them in my life.

I get up and say "I'm going to charge my phone so that we can set it up tomorrow". They all say "OK then". I was about to walk upstairs when Tim jumps up and says "shit I forget to get your chair out of the car". Ant laughs at him and says "good job. I don't think you need any more Espresso martinis tonight babe you are forgetting things don't want you to forget that you are married to this body". I burst out laughing at that and say "Oh my god Ant please don't". He looks at me and rolls his eyes and Tim comes back in and put it down and says to Ant "ok smart arse you can help me put it together for that remark". Ant sits and shakes his head no. Tim looks at me and mouths let's get him. I nod my head and motion with my hand 1 minute. I race upstairs and plug my phone in. Just before I walk out I put more comfortable clothes on. I walk back down the stairs and see Tim and Andy putting my chair together and Ant filming it on his phone. I get to the bottom step when Tim looks up and I nod my head towards Ant and when Tim turns around and sees Ant filming him he flips him off then lunges at him and starts to tickle him. I get in on the act and next thing I know Ant is tickling me and I'm rolling around the floor laughing and Andy is filming the whole lot.

I calm down about 10 minutes later but my stomach and sides are killing me from laughing so much. I sit back onto the lounge and go onto my phone to check Facebook and I get a notification from Instagram as well saying that Andy tagged me in a post. I check it and he posted the video of me getting tickled the little shit I will get him back for that.

The next morning when we get up I grab my new phone so Andy can put all my contacts on there for me and set it up. I walk downstairs to see them all sitting at the table having coffee. When Andy sees me enter the kitchen he gets up to get my coffee and hands it to me. God I'm lucky to have a boyfriend like that.

When we have finished our coffee Ant suggests we go for a road trip somewhere for a few days to just get away for a bit. Which is a good idea? I wouldn't mind just getting away for a few days.

We decide we will go so we all go upstairs to pack a bag and just before I walk into my room Andy grabs me by the arm and says to me babe can you take you new phone as well. I will set it all up in the car. I nod my head and lean up to give him a quick kiss. I walk into my room and quickly pack my bag. I walk back downstairs to wait for the others.

We stop for a bit in Sydney to get a bite to eat and then we continue on up north a bit further. We get to Newcastle just as the sun sets and we find a hotel for a few nights before we go and get some dinner.

We sit in the restaurant not far from the motel and wait for the waitress to come and take our order. When she approaches I see her undo her top button. She walks over with a flirty smile on her face and she says what can I get you lovely gentlemen this evening. She totally ignores me but Andy won't let her and he says my girlfriend and I will both have chicken schnitzel and chips please. Tim turns to Ant and says what would you like babe? Ant says to her I will have a hamburger with the lot and chips please. She turns to Tim and says what you would like handsome. He turns to her and says I will a hamburger and chips as well and we will have 4 cokes too please. She nods her head and walks away.

She comes back later with our meals and bends down low over the table so we can see what she owns. I turn away not wanting to see that so Andy pulls me into his side and cuddles into me. Ant just looks at her scowling and Tim seems to be getting a good old look until she puts her hand on his shoulder and says see you later babe. Ant looks up scowling at Tim and he says do you mind not fucking flirting with a female when your husband is sitting right next to you. Tim looks at Ant and says babe I wasn't flirting I was being nice. I'm gay I love dick especially this one. I can see he squeezed Ants dick when he said. He leaned over as well and pecked Ants lips and besides I love you too much. Why would I look at a woman when I have you? I love you baby so much. You are my All.

We eat our meals in silence Ant still angry at Tim so he just eats his meal. Every so often Andy would look at me and say you ok babe. I nod my head and once I have finished I cuddle into Andy closer and put my head on his chest. I see a flash out of the corner of my coming from Ants direction. I look up and see he has his phone up.

Next thing I know my phone dings so I pick it up and see a notification from Facebook saying Ant tagged me in a status. I click on it and see he posted the picture he took of me cuddled into Andy. The little shit you wait Callea I will get you back when you least expect it.

After our meal which was not pleasant with the waitress and Ant is still not talking to Tim even though Tim is trying to talk to Ant but he is ignoring him. We get in the car and Ant says I will sit in the back with my baby girl and talk to her. I look at Tim and he shrugs his shoulders as much as to say I don't know what I'm going to do.

On the way back to the motel I think of what I can do to get them talking again but I can't think of anything. I will keep thinking though as I don't like when they are not talking and when they are fighting. I remember that they had one not long after they adopted me and they ignored each other all day. I blamed myself for that fight even though later on they said it wasn't my fault. This time I know it's not my fault but I can't help but feel responsible in a way. I caused them so much stress these past 2 weeks what with being in hospital and then before that when Ant was acting funny because he went on a ghost tour just to please me.

We all get ready for bed as we get back to the motel and they still ignored each other. I look over at Andy as he was getting in the other side of my bed and he shrugs his shoulders and says "I don't know".

The next morning they still are barely talking and I say to them look guys why don't you go out today and spend the day together Andy and I will be ok and we can go for a walk around the town. Tim looks at Ant and says "babe please let me take you out for the day and we can have lunch at a nice restaurant". Ant thinks for a bit and then looks at me and I say to him "Ant can I please speak to you privately outside"? He nods his head and we walk outside and I say to him "please dad I hate when you fight. I want you to love each other like you used to when I first came to live with you". He nods his head and says "ok baby girl".

We walk back inside and Ant says "Ok I will but please don't flirt with anyone while I am with you". Tim nods his head and says "ok but please remember I am married to you and I only want you. I don't want anyone else and I never will". Ant nods his head and says "I'm sorry I just didn't like how she did that. I got very jealous of her and I hate getting jealous". Tim grabs his hand and pulls him into his chest and says "there is no need to get jealous ok I love you and I will only ever love you like I do". I can see the tears in Ants eyes and I give him a side hug and say "I love you dad".

After they get dressed and go out I turn to Andy and I say "I hate when they fight like that. I know I'm not to blame but it makes me feel like it's my fault. If they had never adopted me then it wouldn't have happened". Andy pulls me into his arms and says "it's not your fault so please don't ever think that. When Ant rang me with the idea to adopt you he told me that you will both be able to help each other. I know he hates it when he has to leave Tim and Tim feels the same way when Ant has to go". I nod my head and snuggle into his chest a bit more.

Later on we get dressed and go for a walk around the town then get some lunch.

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