Chapter 16

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Andy's POV

When Tim and Ant walked out Addie and I just sat together on the bed but after a while she started talking and saying that she feels guilty because she got sick and now Tim is going to get sick because he has to look after her and Anthony as well. I tell her that it's not her fault but she still thinks it is.

After she said that I told her that she was my life and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her that's how much she means to me and seeing her sick and blaming herself for these things is tearing me apart inside but that gave me an idea. I need to get Tim and Ant by themselves first without Addie hearing me.

After a while she dozes off to sleep and I sit there thinking about my idea. I just hope that Tim and Ant will see things the way I do. I want to marry this beautiful girl next to me. I know we haven't been together long but I still want to marry her. That's how much I love her.

I take the time to message my mum to let her know that Addie is sick even though they have never met mum loves Addie as much as I do and they have talked on the phone. I know mum was always calling Addie while I was on tour to see if she was OK and if she needed anything. I get a reply nearly straight away and mum says that she will come to Australia if we need her. I tell her it's OK we are dealing with it 1 day at a time. I also tell her that I'm going to ask her to marry me.

After a while I see Tim and Ant walk back in hand in hand so I get up gently so as not to disturb Addie. She was feeling nauseous before she fell asleep and I know the doctor said she could.

I ask them if I can speak to them outside and they nod their heads and I follow them out. We stand just outside the door so we can still see her and hear if she needs us. I say to them I know Addie and I have only been together for 12 months but I was wondering if you would allow me the honor of marrying her. I love her so much and I don't want to lose her. Please don't think that I'm only doing this because she is sick because I'm not I love her with all my heart and I have wanted to marry her before I came here to live after the tour but I held off.

Tim looks at me and says I know you do mate. I can see it in your eyes how much you love her and you have spoken about marriage to your mum. I'm sorry but I overheard you say to your mum that you wanted to marry our daughter. I was walking past your room late one night when I overheard you. I had to stop to see if you were talking about Addie. When you told your mum it was Addie I was relieved. I want her happy mate. I will allow it but it's also up to Anthony and her.

I turn to Anthony and he has the biggest smile on his face and he shakes my hand and says welcome to the family mate.

OK so now I need to get a ring and ask her so I say to them I need to get a ring before I ask her. Ant looks at me and says OK how about we go out now and see what we can find while Tim stays here with her. If we are lucky we might get back before she wakes up. I think for a bit and nod my head and look over at Tim and say do you mind mate I really want to do this. He nods his head and kisses his husband and says see you soon babe.

Anthony and I walk out to Tim's car and we make our way to the shops in the center of town. We walk into the jewellery store and I look around for the perfect ring but I can't find one until a sales woman shows me one and straight away I know that it's the one. I don't even blink when she tells me the price. I just pull out my credit card and buy it.

Anthony looks at it as we walk out and he says to me I would wait until she is feeling a bit better before you ask her. I nod my head and yeah I thought that myself.

When we walk back into the room I see Addie is awake but she doesn't look well. As we walk in she is sick in a bag so I run up to her to help her. It breaks my heart seeing her like this and so I just can't stop the tears coming to my eyes and before I know it I'm a sobbing mess as I hate seeing her like this. I truly hate it. I sit there stroking her hair to try and make her feel better.

Over the next couple of days Addie was getting stronger so the doctor said that we could take her home tomorrow but she needs to go and see a specialist next week for more chemo treatment. We just all sit around her room until the time comes for us all to go home.

I personally will be glad to go home as I am in desperate need of a hot shower. I think Tim and Ant are too as we have all sat by her bedside the whole time that she has been here. We signed out of the hotel and just stayed in her room. They tried to get us out but we told them that we are not going anywhere, so after a while they just left us alone. Which was good because there was no way in hell that I would leave my girlfriends bedside whilst she is battling a type of cancer.

The day comes that she can go home so we all start back home but it's a slow journey as we don't want her to wear herself out even though she is only sitting we still don't want to take that risk. Not where her health is concerned. I won't and I know for a fact Tim and Ant won't either. They love her like she was born into their family not just adopted. I knew that when Ant rang me and said he wanted to adopt her. I was dubious at first but then when I talked to him more I knew that was what he wanted.

We eventually make it home after a few rest stops and Addie feeling sick which is normal considering what she has been through and will continue to go through each and every day. We just need to be there for her and let her know that we love her unconditionally. I help her out of the car once we get home and help her up to her room so she can rest but she stops me and says "I don't want to lie down in my room I want to lay down in the lounge room and talk to you all". I nod my head and help her over to the lounge and lay her on it. I put the blanket over her that is lying on the back of the lounge. I see Tim and Ant walk into the room when I look back up and Tim says "baby girl why are you lying on the lounge I thought you would be more comfortable in your room in your own bed"? She looks at them and says "because I wanted to be with you all and not stuck in my room. I want to talk to you and laugh with you". Tim nods his head and walks into the kitchen and he yells out to Ant "babe do you want a coffee"? Addie yells back to Tim and says "is the pope catholic. Really dad stupid question". I laugh at the sass that she gives and Ant come over and high fives her. Tim then yells out "OK smart ass does anyone else want one?" I look at Addie still laughing and I say "yes please and Addie says "stupid question again dad". By this stage I was killing myself laughing at them. I just really love being around this family as Addie and Anthony both have sass. I have never met anyone else with as much sass as those 2.

Tim comes back in with our coffees and he rolls his eyes at his husband and daughter which starts me off again. Addie looks at me and says "your gonna wet yourself in a minute babe if you keep laughing". I roll my eyes at her as I can't help it now. Being with her for over 12 months she has rubbed off on me. I wouldn't pass this up for anything in the world. I just love her so much.

I eventually stop laughing and think to myself how I'm going to ask her to marry me. I think I will take her out is she is well enough but I really need to get myself a car. I turn to Tim and Ant and say to them "if you don't mind could one of you take me to buy a car as I don't want to rely on you to take us places. I want to be able to take Addie out without having to inconvenience you both". Ant nods his head and says "yeah sure we will go tomorrow morning." I nod my head and just relax next to my baby.

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