Chapter 15

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Addie's POV

When I came too in the hospital and I looked at my fathers faces I know something is wrong Ant has tears in his eyes and he is cuddled into Tim which isn't unusual but the tears in his eyes are. I look around the room and see if I can spot Andy but I can't. I thought I heard his voice before but I must have been mistaking. I look over at my dads and say "where is Andy"? Tim looks at me and was about to speak but looked at Ant first and he subtly shook his head so Tim says "he had to take a call". I nod my head and we all sit silently Tim on one side of my bed and Ant on the other and they are both holding my hands.

After a bit the door opens and Andy walks in followed by a doctor. Andy comes up to my bed and holds my foot and says "how are you baby girl"? I say "still very weak". the doctor looks at me and says "that's to be expected". Tim says 'we haven't told her yet doctor". He says "OK but I think I should be the one to tell her". Andy goes to sit by my feet but Ant moves around next to Tim and straight away Tim puts his arm around him and Andy sits on the bed and pulls me into his arms. The doctor tell me that they ran test and that I have Leukaemia a form a cancer and I break down in tears as he says that.

Now I know why Tim and Ant looked like they had been crying. I turn to Andy and see that he too has tears in his eyes. He pulls me into his arms and he says "it's OK baby girl we will get through this".

The doctor talks for a bit and then Tim and Ant say they have to make a phone call so they walk out hand in hand. When they walk out Andy gently grabs my chin and turns my head so I can look at him and he says to me "we will get through this OK baby girl". I say to him "why don't you just go back home and forget I even existed"? He says to me "because I love you and I am not going to walk out the door when the going gets tough. That's not how I was brought up my mother went ape shit when she found out that I couldn't go and see you when you were in hospital before and she would kill me if I walked out now when you need me the most. Which reminds me I must ring her and tell her but I will wait for a bit to do that. I want to see how this course of chemo goes before I go anywhere and if you need to stay overnight then I am staying right here with you. I love you so much my gorgeous baby girl". I look at him with tears in my eyes as I love him so much as well. I can't lose him it would kill me more then this stupid cancer would. We sit like that not talking just enjoying being in each others arms.

Tim and Ant walk back in just as the doctor does so he can give me the first course of chemo and when I look at Ant I can see that he was crying again. I hold my hand out to him and when he comes over to me I take his hand and say "I understand if you and dad want to give me up". Ant looks dumbfounded and he says "there is no way we are leaving you or giving up on you". I say to him "but I'm only going to ruin your careers you don't have time anymore and you also are going on Im a celebrity get me out of here. I can do that to you and Tim let alone put anymore strain on your marriage". Tim walks over to us and he says "baby girl please don't ever think that you are putting a strain on our marriage or you are going to ruin our careers as you are more important than our careers". He grabs a hold of Ant just before he falls to the floor and he picks him up and he says to Ant "I want you to sit on the chair and not move until i get the doctor to look at you after he has finished with Addie". Ant gives him a mock salute that makes me laugh. God Ant can be sassy when he wants to be. I thought I was bad I think Ant takes that title although Adam Lambert and Louis Tomlinson are at the top too.

Tim stands with Ant just holding his hand while the doctor puts a drip in my arm to set up the chemo so the drugs can go into my body and try to kill the cancer. Once the doctor finishes with me Tim steps forward and he says to him "sorry to disturb you but I was wondering if you could look at my husband please he keeps falling and I'm worried he is going to fall and I won't be there to stop him". The doctor turns to Tim and says "yeah sure". Tim thanks him and goes and stand next to Ant while the doctor looks at Ant and he says "his blood pressure is low and he needs to eat more". Tim nods his head and I say to Tim "dad take him to eat please I will be OK here and I have Andy here with me". I look up at Andy when I say this and he says "yeah I'm right here babe and I'm not going anywhere". I smile at him and he squeezes my hand and Tim says "OK then babe we are going to eat and we are going to have a coffee as well and we are not taking no for an answer". Ant reluctantly gets up and and he looks at me and says "are you sure you will be OK and please ring us if you need anything"? Andy looks at them and says "I will be here and if anything goes wrong then I will call you I promise". Tim nods his head and helps Ant out of the room.

After Tim and Ant walked out of the room we were quite for a while and I say to Andy "I feel awful because Tim and Ant are not eating as they are too worried about me and now Tim is going to get sick from stress as he will be worried about me and his husband. I don't want that babe". Andy looks at me and says "babe your not to blame for any of that and Tim would still worry anyway about you both. He loves his husband and he also loves you his daughter very much as well". I think about what he said and I know he is right but I can't help but think its my fault. If Ant had never walked into that cafe when he did then he wouldn't have met me and Tim wouldn't have to worry about me as well as Ant. He shouldn't have to worry about that plus his career.

We are silent for a bit until I remember that Tim is going to tour this year plus Ant is supposed to go on the television show and now they wont be able to as I'm sick so they will have to look after me. I turn to Andy and I say "I just realized that they won't be able to do what they had planned this year". Andy looks at me and says "what do mean babe"? I look at him and say "Ant was going on that show and Tim is touring and now they wont be able to as they will have to stay and look after me. I got sick and now they can't continue with their dream. It's all my fault". Andy looks at me and says "babe it's not your fault and they will still be able to do that if they want. They might choose not to now and if they still do then I will be here. I have decided that I'm taking a break and I will be looking after you as well. Babe you are my life and I will put my career on hold to be able to look after you and be with you". I can't help the tears that come to my eyes as he says that so he gently puts his arms around me and brings me closer to him. He whispers in my ear "I love you so much baby you are my life. I want to spend the rest of my life with you". I am sobbing in his arms by this time.

Authors Note: Please note only five more chapters left. Im sorry but this will be a short story. Although you can still enjoy my other fan fiction. Savior for The broken part 2. This one is an Adommy one. Please feel free to read that one or the first one Savior for the broken. Thanks again for reading.

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