Chapter 20

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Addie's POV

The next 4 weeks flew by and before I knew it I had to go and get my wedding dress from the shop. I went with Ant after he got back from South Africa and I picked it out. They had to alter it so Ant and I went to get it. Anthony's mum and dad had driven up from Melbourne and Tim's mum and dad had flown in from Queensland yesterday. Andy was going to get his tomorrow and I am starting to feel very down as they all have their parents but I don't and I miss them so much. I really want my mum and dad at the wedding but they cant. Anthony notices how down I am and he says to me when we were on the way home. "What's up baby girl don't you want to get married"? I look at him and say "dad can we maybe get a coffee so we can talk"? He nods his head and we pull into the next vacant spot and he gets out and opens my door for me.

We sit there drinking our coffee and he says to me "OK what's up baby girl". I look at him and say "please don't say anything to Tim or Andy but I feel down because my parents can't be at my own wedding. You have yours here so does Andy and Tim and I just feel left out. I am truly grateful for you and Tim that you both adopted me out of the refuge but a wedding is a special event and I really want my mum and dad there. I'm also grateful for you and Tim who are going to walk me down the aisle". He nods his head and he says "I understand baby girl, we can never fill your parents shoes and we really don't want to. Tim and I just want to make you feel loved and we both love you very much. If it makes you feel better how about we all go up and visit their graves before the wedding. You can put flowers down and just stay there for a while. I will take you up if you want"? I think for a bit then say "can we please I would feel much better"? Ant nods his head and grabs my hand and says "anything for you baby girl. I will see Tim when we get home and organise a day maybe tomorrow". I nod my head and say "thanks dad you're the best".

The next day Tim, Anthony, Andy and I get up early to go and see my parent's grave so I can get married in a couple of days. I feel so much better after seeing the graves and talking to them for a bit. Andy stayed near me the whole time the same as Tim and Anthony which made me feel better too.

The day of the wedding dawned and I was up early so Anthony could take me to get my hair done. Tim stayed behind making sure everything is OK for the dinner we are having. Andy had to stay with his mum and dad in their hotel room because he couldn't see me. We got that done and went back home so I could get ready. We decide to hold it all at home as we didn't want any fuss.

I get ready when the time comes and Ant knocks on my door and says "you ready baby girl? It's time". I nod my head and he holds his hand out for me to take. He walks me down the stairs where we meet Tim and he walks me out the rest of the way with Anthony. I get to the aisle and see Andy looking gorgeous in his suit. It brings a smile to my face.

After we say our vows we get pictures in the garden that Tim had looking nice especially for us. Tim has done a lot for this wedding and I am so grateful for all that both Tim and Ant have done. Andy and I decided that we will buy a house next year after his tour. So we will be staying with Tim and Ant for the time being and Andy didn't want me to be alone while he is on tour.

The reception went off without a hitch and the whole day was perfect. I'm so lucky to have the people in my life that I do. Andy and I decided that we would just drive down the coast for our honeymoon for a week.

The week of the honeymoon was great and we bought a lot of presents for Christmas which is only like 3 weeks away.

The next 3 weeks flew by and before I knew it, it was time for Christmas which was quite as Tim and Ant not long saw their families and they decide that it would be low key which I was fine with. We just had our own Christmas lunch at home with just the 4 of us. I should say the 5 of us as Tim got himself a rescue dog. They named it Oscar.

The day of my meet and greet with Adam Lambert came all too quickly too. We drove to Sydney and booked into a hotel near the venue so it wasn't far to go.

My meet and Greet was after the concert and I was so nervous at meeting my idol and watching him perform live but also his guitarist Tommy Joe Ratliff was there as well. I also have started to feel unwell again but I haven't told anyone. I know if I did then they wouldn't have let me come and I can't miss this no way.

The time for the concert drew near and we all lined up to get in. I had front row seats which I was thankful for. Adam was amazing live and when he did the fever kisses with Tommy that made the crowd go wild.

All too soon the concert ended and I was weak but I clutched onto Andy's hand and I think he knew as he pulled my into his side. We waited in line for me to meet Adam and once it was my turn Andy let me walk up but stayed right behind me. I was full on crying as Adam hugged me. He signed a shirt that Andy had bought for me then he hugged me again but just as he hugged me that time I collapsed against him. I couldn't even keep my eyes open. One minute I was hugging my idle the next minute I saw black and my heart stopped beating. All I heard was Andy yelling at me then Tim and Anthony as well.

Andy's POV

I knew Addie was unwell when we got to the concert and after that was over she clutched onto my hand so I pulled her into my side. I stood with her the same as Tim and Anthony while she waited to meet Adam. When it was her turn I pulled out the shirt that I had bought for her and he signed it then hugged her a second time and she just collapsed I went to grab her but I saw her eyes close and Adam lowered her to the ground. She was motionless and Tim and Anthony screamed at her but she wouldn't wake up. Adam was horrified and I said to him after I checked her pulse "its OK she was diagnosed with cancer last year and she was in remission but I think it came back and she just died from it. It must have come back and the doctors didn't pick it up". I was crying as I sat there with my dead wife in my arms. Tim and Anthony were crying as well. I looked at Adam and I said "at least she got to meet her idol before she died that's all she wanted was to meet you".

When the ambulance showed up I knew they couldn't do anything but they still had to take her to hospital. I was trying to call my mum to tell her but I couldn't I was crying too much so Tim grabbed my phone and told her for me. She said that she would fly back to Australia for the funeral. Tim and Anthony's parents did as well.

The day of the funeral was a sad one for us all and we buried her next to her parents who I will be getting moved soon as I will buy a vault and put them in that. That way when I die I will buried in there as well and Tim and Ant if they want.

I didn't end up going on tour I couldn't. I just couldn't face it 4 weeks after my wife died. Maybe later but not right now I just want to mourn the death of my wife whom I only had as my wife for 2 short months.


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