9 // The Rowing Squad

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Chapter 9 - The Rowing Squad

"There might have been a time

I would give myself away

(Ooh) Once upon a time

I didn't give a damn

But now here we are

So what do you want from me?

What do you want from me?"

Once Dylan parked, me and him got out of his car. Rusty was sleeping in his doghouse and none of my parents were at home, they had gone to a job dinner. 

I didn't want to be alone, so I invited Dylan in. 

We sat silently on the living room's couch, his stare never living me. I wasn't crying anymore, they were not worth it. 

"Kiara..." Dylan started in a smooth tone. "Please tell me what's going on. What did Aiden do?"

As much as I didn't want to envolve Dylan in this, I knew I could never hide something this big from him, especially not after he saw me crying. I just didn't know if he was going to agree with my plan, but at this point, it didn't really matter.

I took a deep breath and without looking at him, I started talking.

"I found out what they were up to, and you're right, Dylan, it's not good. Apparently, they made a bet about kissing me and breaking my heart. Just for fun. Just like that." I said quickly.

"What?" Dylan's eyes widened and his face was contorted in rage. "But.. how... the sons of the bi--"

"I know, Dylan, but they're not worth it."

"They made you cry, Kiara! They were going to break your heart! We can't just sit here, we have to do something!"

"I'm going to do something. Dylan, I don't want you to do anything, otherwise they will find out I already know and my plan won't work."


"Dylan, please." I said firmly. "You have to trust me, I'm going to make them suffer."

"How?" Dylan asked, slightly preoccupied.

"First of all, I'm going to pretend I don't know about the bet." I started.

"But how can you do that? How can you even look them in the eye knowing what they are planning?"

"I'll be superior, Dylan, and so will you!" I declared. "Let them think they got me, that I fell for them and all that crap and then, instead of them breaking my heart, I'll break theirs."

"Kiara, they're the two biggest players in the whole school." He retorted. His face was getting more and more worried with every word I said. "How are you going to make them fall for you? They don't love anyone, they aren't capable of loving!"

"Well, then I'll have to change that." I determinedly stated. "I promise you, Dylan, they'll be the ones whose hearts are going to be crushed, completely shattered. They can't just play with me, I'm not one of their barbies!"

"I'm just afraid you'll end up getting hurt. This things never end well. What if... what if you fall for one of them?"

"After what they did to me?" I opened up my eyes widely. "Not gonna happen!"

"I don't know, Kiara, it doesn't sound good..." Dylan shook his head.

"It's the only way for them to taste their own poison." I reminded him.

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