13 // Follow the Map

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Chapter 13 - Follow the Map

"I miss the taste of a sweeter life

I miss the conversation

I'm searching for a song tonight

I'm changing all of the stations"

"Let's gooooo!" Ellie excitedly said once I approached her. The classes had ended, Dylan had gone to his basketball practice and now I had the crazy mission of going shopping with Ellie. And it was no normal shopping. Costume shopping.

"Oh, I texted Roxy and Lori and they're going to meet as at the shopping centre!" Ellie informed as we got out of school and walked to the bus stop.

"You can say mall, you know." I informed Ellie with an amused expression.

"I prefer to mantain my britishness, thank you very much."

I laughed. "So, do you have any ideas for costumes?"

"So many! Have Dylan and you already chosen your theme this year?"

"Nope. But you can join us, this year. We would be like the Three Musketeers!" I laughed.

"Oh, I don't want to intrude!" Ellie replied, but it was obvious that she did want to join us.

"You won't, it'll be fun!"

"If you say so!" Ellie smiled. The bus then came and we talked about costumes on our way to the mall.

When we finally got there I saw Roxy and Lori talking, and after Ellie and I got out of the bus, we walked towards them.

"Hi, girls!" Lori and Roxy greeted.

"Hello!" We responded.

"Is your brother coming?" Lori curiously asked Ellie and me and Roxy exchanged amusing glances.

"I don't know." Ellie replied and Lori face dropped to a sad expression, but she immediately recovered. She wasn't one to cry for boys.

"Let's go shopping then!"


We started at some basic shops, because neither Lori or Roxy were going to buy costumes. I wouldn't say that shopping was my favourite thing in the world, but I also didn't hate it. And their enthusiasm was contagious.

I bought a leather jacket that I had fallen in love with, Ellie bought some pair of jeans, Roxy a new pair of boots and Lori a sexy black dress.

"I bet my brother would love to see you in that dress." Ellie laughed. Lori passed a hand through the dress.

"He can see, but he can't touch." She chuckled and we all laughed, making the people at the store looking at us as if we were insane. Well, we kinda were.

After some more normal shopping the four of us finally managed to go to a costume shop. It had all kind of costumes. Me and Dylan had bought our Robin Hoods costumes there.

The shop was filled with Halloween costumes as it was that time of the year. There were vampires, ghosts, werewolves, skeletons...

"I think I'll go as a gynecologist!" We heard a guy say to his friends. It did not take us more than two seconds to burst into laugh. That was the effect of a group. If I was alone and I had heard that, I'd probably roll my eyes and try to fight the urge to go tell him some truths, but right now, with my three best female friends, all I could do was laugh.

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