32 // Past is Past

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Chapter 32 - Past is Past

"Take time to realize

That your warmth is

Crashing down on me

Take time to realize

That I am on your side

Well didn't I, didn't I tell you

But I can't spell it out for you

No it's never gonna be that simple

No I can't spell it out for you"

Aiden's POV

Back to school. If before this meant I was going to get a bunch of girls, this year it meant I was getting none, and all because of a single one. Yet she was more than just a girl. Her name was Kiara Raven, and in my eyes, she was the most badass girl I had ever met.

I liked her, I really did, I cared for her more than I cared for any other girl in my entire life apart from my mother. And it was for that very reason that I knew I had to let her go and so I did. I saw it in her eyes the day she told me and Matthew that she knew all along about the bet. I saw how her gaze was different from ours, how she didn't look at me or Matthew the way we both looked at her. In the end, she was the one to play with us but the fact that she regretted it made everything better for me. We had deserved to be fooled, and for me? It was all fucking worth it because I fell for her.

Matthew, however, didn't think the way I did. Just because I was friends with Kiara didn't mean I wasn't as hurt as Matthew was, but I simply understood the reasons why Kiara did what she did. Matthew was being selfish, but, actually, and, surprisingly, I didn't blame him for that.

I saw Kiara at lunch in the first day of the second term. She was sitting with Dylan, Ellie and a girl named Rayla who apparently had finally become Dylan's girlfriend. Otherwise they wouldn't be holding hands and kissing right now. At the beginning I thought Dylan and Kiara liked each other, which made me automatically dislike the dude, but apparently they had stayed friends. 

I glanced at Kiara from my table. She was laughing with Ellie and the mere glimpse of it made me smile. Then her gaze locked with mine and my heart skipped a beat. I smirked playfully at her and Kiara waved, a smile on her face. Then I looked away, trying to ignore my heartbeat. It was unbelievable what this girl could do to me.

Glancing around the canteen, I noticed Matthew sitting at the Popular Table. He was around so many people but he seemed lonely, staring down at his food. Sighing, I got up from my table, said goodbye to my peers and walked towards his table in my confident way of walking, even though inside I was feeling everything but confident.

"Matthew." I said and he glanced up from the food. His face was shocked at first for seeing me there, as were all the other faces from the popular crowd. I knew they were already thinking a fight would unfold right there.

"What?" He asked. I pointed with my head towards the exit door and Matthew slowly nodded. Honestly, I didn't expect him to come talk to me, but he got up from his table anyway. I guess he didn't want to be around the others that much.

"You and him are friends now?" Some of his friends asked him but he just ignored them. I almost felt sorry for him. I at least had my friends, they could be rude, tough and reckless, but they were my real friends nonetheless, and we had each other's back. Matthew, on the other hand, was stuck with some guys that only talked to him because he was the captain of the football team and with some girls that wanted nothing but to get laid with him.

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