15 // To Change or not to Change

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Chapter 15 - To Change or not to Change

"But wait just one minute here

I can see that she's trying to read me

Suddenly I know

She's going to change the world

But she can't change me

No she can't change me"

The school's parking lot was full of cars, so it took us more than ten minutes to find an empty place. When we finally got out of the car, we immediately heard the music from the gym.

We quickly reached it, being met by an amazing scenario. Neither of us had seen the gym decorated this year so far, but decorations were better than any previous year. Everything was in orange, black and purple tones, there were tables of Halloween 'foods', pumpkins all over the place, ghosts made with sheets hanging from the ceiling and from the walls, etc.

There were also a lot of different costumes: vampires, werewolves, ghost, witches, Frakensteins, sea monsters, etc. Then there were the costumes that weren't very Halloween related, like mermaids, superheros, spys, etc.

"This is so awesome!" Ellie exclamed. Soon enough a 'ghost' passed by us with a serving tray full of 'vampire cookies'.

"Are you served?" He asked and Ellie excitedly took one cookie out of the tray, happily bringing it to her mouth.

"There are a lot of good costumes this year." Dylan stated, while the music passed to Thriller by Michael Jackson.

"Oh my god, I love this song!" Ellie declared. "Let's dance!"

"I'm gonna get something to eat, but I'm sure Dylan will love to show you his moonwalk moves." I smirked and Dylan shot me a furious glare.

"Let's go then, Dylan!" Ellie pulled Dylan with her to the dance floor and I made my way towards the tables with food. I was eyeing the red fruit punch, which the school had said it had no alcohol (even though I was pretty sure someone had already poured some into it) when I felt someone behind me.

I turned around and met a tall and very pale vampire, also know as Matthew.

"Hello, Mathew." I saluted him.

"Was it that easy to realize it was me?" He questioed as a greetment.

"Pretty much, yes." I answered him. Then his eyes scanned me up and down, making me roll my eyes.

In a rare and daring moment of flirting, I asked him. "Liking what you see?"

If Matthew was surprised by my question, he didn't show it. Instead, his eyes met mine and he smirked.

"I am, actually. You look pretty damn sexy." He complimented without any kind of shame. I shouldn't be surprised. Matthew Clarke was shameless.

"Thanks." I growled, turning around again to face the table of food, something I found way more interesting than the Golden Boy. I decided to pick some 'candy spiders'.

I thought Matthew would realize that I was ending the conversation there, but he came next to me and grabbed some 'ghost biscuits'. 

"What about me? What do you think of my costume?"

"It's pretty traditional." I shot him a quick look,observing his black cape, his fake and sharp vampire teeth, and the red lipstick representing blood. "But it suits you."

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