Eyes depict emotion best

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Mike decided against calling the ambulance. The time it would take her to the hospital himself would be double if it was the ambulance because of the time it would take to come and then take her there.

He picked her up in his arms like a weighless thing and rushed down the stairs. He hoped to God he wouldn't fall. Looking down at her, he realized she was slipping out of conciousness. 

He grabbed his car key and and ran out before noticing that his car was not there. Seriously, of all the days he could have put it in the garage, he chose this day.

As he put Imogen in the back seat, he slapped her continuosly on the cheeks to bring her around. Her responce was sluggish and he couldn't guarantee helping her except taking her to the hospital.

"I call dibs on the first emergency that walks through that door," Dr Wallace said to Dr Hart as they stood just near the emergency doors while other staff were busy.

"No way man, I already lost to Stephen and Thompson, I'm not loosing to you."

"We'll see," Dr wallace said in a cheeky voice.

Just as he said that, a man walked into the hosptal, carrying a bloody girl. When they saw how  opportunity had presented itself to them, they froze. For a minute, none of them moved until the man shouted, "I need a gurney over here." 

Dr Wallace was the first to come out of the shock regarding the sudden change of events.

He skipped quickly forward and took the girl in his own arms. She was unconcious and her mouth and shirt were bloodied. What the hell happened? he thought. Well that was for him to find out.

A pair of nurses came with a gurney and he dropped her on it. She was curled up in a fetal position.

"Page Dr Nabeel," he said urgently to the nurse beside him.

"He's in surgery," she replied.

"What about Dr Cyrus?"

"He's off-duty."

"Well find someone!" he said, raising his voice at her and she flinched. He knew he wasn't allowed to diagnose a patient and start treatment without someone of the higher position than him. After all he was just an intern.

The girl was whisked away into an ER to be diagnosed before any treatment plan is established. Dr Wallace looked out at Dr Hart just before he closed the door and stuck his tongue out. Dr Hart rolled his eyes and looked away in defeat.

The nurses started doing the routine: cutting of her clothes, checking her throats, feeling her stomach, connecting wires to her etc. He just stood there as they bustled around. It just dawned on him, if he did anything, he could kill her.

Suddenly Dr Beckett walked into the room. Shit! He can't work around her without her getting all judgmental. She gave him a brief glance through her glasses and turned back to the patient. Her red hair was already packed in a bun.

"What do we have here?" She asked no one in particular, snapping gloves unto her hand.

A nurse who had just walked in answered, "Imogen Dawson, 16 year old female, coughing and vomiting blood according to her father. No trauma or abuse."

"Oh a frequent visitor, I see," she said calmly and smiling. "We need to take special good of her." She set to work.

Dr Wallace wondered what she meant by a frequent visitor when he looked at her face and suddenly recognized her. She was the girl that he and his colleagues called 'Sicky'. He chuckled to himself at that thought but was brought back to reality when he saw her stripped to her bra and panties. Wonderful! Hart was really missing out.

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