Friends Again?

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It had been a week since the thing with Mrs Verne. Mike hadn't spoken about it and Imogen had never bothered asking. During that week, she had another date with Martin and in two days, the three of them had dinner; Martin, Imogen and Mike. Home-cooked by Lauretta who had stayed later that usual as she always did when Mike was having dinner with guests.

On the second date, Martin had taken her to the amusement park in the evening. They rode on many rides, well he rode on many rides, she only rode on a few because of possible shortness of breath. She watched him on the rollercoaters, though and wished she could join him but was secretly scared that the coasters might get stuck in the middle of the ride, Thanks to her, watching a lot of shows.

The highlights of that night had been the bumper car and the ferris wheel- of course. They had ridden together in one bumper car, which he drove....and she screamed everytime they hit someone.

Then there was the ferris wheel, the really high ferris wheel. At one time as they reached up, he leaned towards her, she thought he was gonna kiss her and her heart started pounding. A million thoughts ran in her mind like a Ferrari. But it turned out, he was just leaning over to remove the part of her top that got stuck on the security latch. He didn't talk much apart from the beautiful scenery of the park and the lights. But it was absolutely romantic. He even put his hand on her shoulder and Imogen almost leapt for joy. There was not the silly boy-win-you-a-teddy bear-or-a-penguin moment but she thoroughly enjoyed the evening. Of course, he didn't forget food: Fish and Fries.

During the dinner with Mike, he announced that the dinner was in celebratory for his new job as financial manager at a huge company. That whole evening had been focused on Mike asking, Martin about his life.

"So uhh, Martin right? How old are you?" Mike had asked.


"What! And you are going out with my 16 year old daughter!"

"Daaaad." Imogen said throught gritted teeth and felt like kicking him under the chair but she would just inflict pain upon herself too.

"Sorry." Mike waved his hands to dismiss the discussion.

Imogen looked over her shoulders at Martin who was sitting in the chair beside her. Surprisingly, he was smiling. Good.

"So what do you do or what college do you go to?" Mike asked again.

"I don't have a job and I dropped out of med school because I just don't like it. It's my bbrother's thing not mine. And I'm not gonna do something I don't like."

Mike was about to say "You have no job and you are a dropout and you are dating my daughter!" when Martin continued.

"But I'm searching for another college here and want to study business and finance."

Mike got immediately interested in him and they started to talk and Imogen got bored for the next hour that she was glad when he left.

"Nice kid," Mike said smiling as he closed the door and she glared at him.

"So what are you doing today," Mike asked Imogen.

"Nothing, what the hell am I gonna do alone when you are going to your new job."

"What about Kirby? You could hang out with him. It been long since I've seen him."

"Kirbyyy," Imogen said, dropping the apple she was holding as her mind wandered into faraway. "We are still not on talking terms." she said, twisting her lips and frowning.

"Still!" Mike exclaimed. "You have to do something about that."

"I know, I know, It's just...what must he be feeling right now?" She then looked at Mike. "Can you drop me off?"

"Yeah sure."

"Thanks", Imogen said to Mike as she got out of the car. "He'll drop me off, later.

Kirby was sitting on the table, in their tiny house, with a book and a bowl of spagghetti. His mom had gone out with his younger sister.

Suddenly, he heard the most familiar sound in his world. I'll be there for you.

He was confused for a moment and he wondered where it was coming from. He kept still and realized it was coming from the door. What could it be?

When he opened the door, he got the shock of his life. Not really but he was really surprised.

"Imo, what are you doing-"

"Shh shh,"she shut him off. "Listen to the lyrics."

He smiled. "I know the lyrics."

"Great! because the song was long and-" She stopped and looked at him hard, tears coming into her eyes. "Come here, you." She opened her hands to hug him and he knelt low to hug her."

"I miss you, you know that?"

"I missed you too, Imo, so so much."

When she pulled back, she flicked him on the head, "Never pull a stunt like that, okay?"

He nodded, knowing what she was talking about.

"Now move out of the way, I'm hungry and I spied a bowl of spagghetti on the table." Kirby laughed and he knew that everything was back to normal.

As they sat on the couch, with her head on his lap, they watched a up to ten episodes of friends, which she had made him love also when they first became friends, until his mom came back.

"Bye, Mrs Marshall," Imogen called out as she left with Kirby.

Author's Note:

So I hope you loved this chapter. and so sorry that they are short but plz bear with me. Please comment and Vote and I will keep on updating.


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