chapter 3

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"I can't tell her."

Perrie and Jesy stood across the hall, kind of watching Jade's every move. They watched her go drink some fountain water, grab some stuff from her locker, and look at herself in a tiny mirror in her locker. While she stares at herself in the mirror, she makes these tiny, disgusted faces as if she hates what she sees.

"C'mon, don't be a pussy," Jesy says, raising her eyebrows at her blonde best friend. "You've asked out many people before."

"Yeah, guys," Perrie points out. "I've never had feelings for a girl like this before."

"Not even me?" Jesy asks almost in disbelief. Sure, they both agreed that them having that little time together in bed was just a one time thing and that no feelings were involved, but Jesy still believed she had a bit.

"We discussed this," Perrie says, looking at her. They just looked at each other for a while before they looked back at Jade.

"Do it," Jesy says before pushing the blonde towards the brunette.

As she is being quickly pushed into the area where Jade is, she bumps into her, making both of them run into the wall. Before making contact to the wall, Perrie quickly grabs Jade's waist so she doesn't get hurt. "I'm so sorry," Perrie says quickly. They look into each other's eyes for a moment. The moment seems like hours to both of them. The intense stare is in slow motion to them. Everything is blurred out besides them.

"It's fine," Jade stutters out, breaking the eye contact and silence.

Perrie can feel her heart beating faster than normal. It feels as if it may explode-- or she'll just have a heart attack, y'know, logic. She places a hand on Jade's arm and puts on a smug smile. "Good," she mumbles while staring at her pink, plump lips.

Jade can also feeling her heart beating extra fast. She can see Perrie's eyes traveling down to her eyes down to her lips, making her both tingly and uncomfortable. She's not into girls, at least that's what she thinks. Perrie's a beautiful girl, if she's being honest. Blondes definantly are her type, but on boys. "Uh," she clears her throat, breaking the tension slightly.

The blonde laughs but before she takes any action, she realizes she's around many people. Staring, judgemental people of their high school. She'd get called names for the rest of her life if she kisses Jade. Everyone will see her as the lesbian who decides to date the total nerd of the school.

But then she thinks..

Fuck it.

As their lips connect, they both feel the people staring in disbelief. Jade has her eyes open still, completely shocked that Perrie would even do that. She pushes her off and runs into the girls' restroom, ignoring all of the laughs and gasps from all her peers. Perrie, obviously getting rejected, feels heartbroken. It was a mistake. It didn't work.

But she decides to follow Jade, not exactly giving up on getting the girl she wants.

As she bursts into the restroom, only Jade is inside, sitting in the corner and back against the disgusting wall. She sighs and stops in her tracks as Jade's innocent eyes stare back at her.

"What the hell was that?" Jade snaps, voice loud and echoing in the empty bathroom. "Was that some way to embarrass me? Is this some sick joke?"


"Don't you fucking dare," she snaps again, voice a little softer as tears begin to form in her eyes.

"No, you fucking listen to me," Perrie yells quickly and loudly, making it echo around the room. She slowly walks up to her, slowly getting dangerously close to Jade.

It's quiet for a while as they stare at each other's eyes. Complete and utter silence.

"I'm in love with you," Perrie chokes out quietly so only Jade could hear, hoping no one from outside the restroom could hear. "and don't you dare say I'm lying when I say this. Because everything I tell you in this room is true."

Jade's quiet as she processes all of this in her head. No, she has to be lying, right? Perrie can't be in love with her. Perrie likes boys and she likes boys. This isn't true.

"Oh, shut the fuck up," Jade snaps, her voice loud again. She doesn't believe the words coming out of the blonde's mouth just yet.

Without saying another word, Perrie pushes Jade against the wall and connects their lips once again. This time, Jade closes her eyes and kisses back, giving in. Her lips were so soft and she smelt of flowers-- she just couldn't resist.

When Perrie pulls away, she looks down at Jade's eyes. "Now do you believe me?"


"So, what happened in that bathroom?" Jesy asks her blonde friend with a smug face. She places her pencil down on the bed and sits up, sitting cris-cross-applesauce.

"We kissed a little more," Perrie tells her, smiling to herself as she replays the whole scene in her head. "and now she knows I love her."

"Okay and?" her brunette friend says, staring at her with a confused expression.

"And what?" Perrie asks, grabbing her soda and taking a long sip, grimacing after at the stinging feeling in her throat.

"Is she yours?"

"Not yet."


kinda short, sorry.

but it's just starting to get good in my opinion, so yays.

hope you enjoyed cx

love you all. -lovelyjarry aka Luke's butthole aka Natalie.

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