chapter 12

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Jade takes a seat in 4th period, taking her normal spot in the back. She places her notebook and textbook down on the desk. After a few people walking in and laughing, someone taps her shoulder.

"Hey," Harry says, smiling down at her. She smiles back and he takes a seat at the desk sitting beside her. "How've you been?"

"Terrible," she admits. She notices Harry give her a concerned look and she laughs. "Not because of Perrie. I've just been not getting enough sleep, so excuse my grumpyness."

Harry laughs and nods. "Ah," he says. "Why haven't you gotten any sleep?" He plays around with his pencil, twirling it around with his fingers. The pencil flies to the floor and he awkwardly picks it up.

"My parents are having problems," she admits, sighing. She wonders why she's trusting him, considering he's part of Zayn's group. All those boys are known for being complete and utter douchebags. They're attractive, but their personality isn't.

"Aw, I'm sorry," he says sympathetically, sighing softly. He frowns at her and pats her shoulder. "You should've called me. I would've been there to comfort you."

"My parents were fighting, Harold," she says, laughing. "Imagine them finding a teenaged boy in my room. Holy shit."

"Why must you use that nickname?" he asks her, pouting slightly. A lot of people call him that, but they mostly do it to annoy him. He hates being called Harold. It's not his name, so why would he want to be called it? But when Jade says it, he honestly doesn't care.

"Because you call me Jadelyn," she tells him. "It makes us even."

"I hear you're talking to Jade," Zayn says, more in a questioning tone than a statement. He eyes the curly haired boy carefully as he walks up to him, beer in hand.

Harry tosses him the beer can and shrugs. "Yeah," he says. "Is that a problem?"

"She's my girlfriend's ex."

"And?" he says. He shakes his head and huffs. "I feel sorry for the girl, mate. She's really nice and Perrie fucked her over. She didn't deserve that, y'know."

Zayn opens up the beer and takes a swig. "She's a fucking nerd," he states. "And from what Perrie told me, she's too needy."

"Maybe it's because no one gives her enough attention, or any at all. Maybe she feels like killing herself and no one even realizes it. She's needy because she realizes no one pays attention to her. No one cares."

"And you do?" Zayn asks, taking another swig.

Harry takes a long pause. He stares at his beer can and thinks. "Maybe I do."

"It's been a week."

Perrie eyes the brunette weirdly and shakes her head. "Hm?" she hums, taking a bite out of her cookie. She slowly dips it into her milk.

"It's been a week since you've broken that poor girl's heart," Jesy says, glaring at her blonde friend. She still doesn't understand how Perrie could do such a thing.


"You do realize how shitty you are, right?" Jesy asks her. As she shake her head no, she takes a deep breath and stands up. "You make fun of her all of her life and then all of a sudden, you want her. Then you break her heart. That's some shitty stuff, Perrie. Honestly. If I were her, I'd beat the crap out of you."

Perrie is silent and she just stares at her glass of milk. Maybe she is a shitty person. She's done so much damage to so many people, including Jade, who she's loved since the day they met. She doesn't mean to do any of this. Her brain tells her too many things. And many of those are wrong.

All her life, she forced the idea of loving Jade out of her head. Everyone hated her, so she thought it would be weird to like her. So, she dated as many people as she could, guys and girls, just to get her out of her mind.

It didn't work.

It'll never work.

She loves Jade and nothing will change that.

Jade sits alone on her bed, staring down at her bright phone screen. All of a sudden, a loud bang is heard from downstairs followed by loud yelling. They're fighting again. She sighs and lays down on the bed. All she hears is the yelling and banging coming from her parents. She hates hearing them like this. It makes her hate everything.

She quickly goes to her contacts and finds Harry's name. It's set to Harold with the smiley face emoji beside it. She taps it and hits the phone symbol before putting it on her ear.

"Jadelyn! How are ya, babe?"

"Can you come over," she whimpers. "Please."

Harry crawls into her window and slides inside her room. Jade smiles widely as she sees him, helping him get inside safely.

He stands up straight and smiles sympathetically, "What seems to be the problem, babe?"

"Parents," she says. A loud bang comes from downstairs and she jumps at the sound. She walks over to her bed and sits down, sighing softly.

Harry doesn't respond, only nodding and sitting beside her. He wraps his arms around her and hugs her tightly. "It's okay."

No words are said for a long time. The only sound heard is her parents yelling about things and glass breaking once in a while. Harry just holds her tightly as she sobs violently into his chest.

"It's okay," he mumbles again after a long time. "I'm here. Everything will be okay."

"But," she stutters out. "What if they get a divorce? I love them a lot, Harry. I don't want that to happen."

"Just think of the positive," he tells her. "Don't think of it that way. Think that they'll resolve the problem."

She nods and looks up at him. She quickly wipes the tears that were falling down from her eyes. Her hand guides itself up to his shoulder and she pats it softly. "Thank you."

"Anything for you."

The tension is choking both of them as they stare at each other. Harry decides to slowly move closer to her and lean his head in. To his surprise, she leans in as well. As their lips connect, she quickly wraps her arms around his neck and he puts his hands on her small waist. Their lips move in sync as they kiss softly.

Jade smiles against his lips and pulls away. "Your lips are soft."

Harry just laughs and leans in again, this time quicker, and kisses her lips again.




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