It's Beginning To Look Alot Like... Fuck This!

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As you and your friends are put into the waking slumber of the void you look around and see everyone floating near you.

Qrow: Where in God's green Remnant are we, (Y/N)?

You: You know, I don't know.
I've never really asked.

You are all in limbo, my children.
Can you guess why?

You all turn towards the sound of this new voice to see God's cosmic eye off in the distance.

Nobody says a word out of shock at seeing what's before them.

I've brought you all here because, in (Y/N)'s world, today is a very special day and I decided that he should be allowed to spend it with ALL of his friends and family.

You: Wait, what? What day is it back home?

Well isn't it obvious?
Its what you would call; my son's birthday.

Qrow: Wait, are you referring to that Jesus guy?

The very same.
Now I have some very important matters to attend to with someone, so I shall just be sending you on your way.

And with that, the cosmic eye closes and you are all surrounded by darkness once more.

(Ruby's POV)

As Ruby begins to wake up, she notices that she's underneath a blanket.
As she opens her eyes and looks around the room, the first thing she notices is a poster on the far wall with the letters RWBY in bold lettering along with her and her friend's portrait on it.

Ruby immediately shoots up and notices everybody else lying on the floor waking up as well.
Well... almost everyone.
When she looks to her right she sees you out cold laying beside her.

Ruby Grabs you by the shoulders and violently begins to shake you awake while shouting; (Y/N), (Y/N), wake up! Where are we!

(Your POV)

You wake up somewhat grogilly as you begin to process what's going on.
However, before you can fully grasp the situation, your bedroom door bursts open as your father runs in holding a gun.

Dad: Who are you people and what are you doing in my ho-
(Y/N)? Is that You?
Honey, it's okay!
They aren't intruders!
Our son is home!
And he... brought friends?

Mom: (Rushing into the doorway past your father) Oh my god my little baby boy is home!?!?!?

Your mother runs up to you almost tripping over Ren and Nora, and pulls you into a hug.

You: Aw, come on Mom! Not in front of my friends!!!

Qrow: (unscrewing the lid of his flask) Hehe, so these are your parents huh?

Your mother immediately let's go of you at the sound of Qrows Voice.

Mom: YOU! You gave my baby boy alcohol!?!?
What is wrong with you?

Qrow: (Spitting out his drink) Wait, how did you know that?

Dad: (Y/N)'s friends showed us how to find the show, and the episodes change depending on whether or not he's lived through those events yet or not.
After he sent us that picture the other night, we knew that another episode had changed and that's when we saw you give him alcohol.

You: Hey, can we take this to the living room?
There's like twenty of us in here.
Its getting kind of cramped.

After a few minutes you manage to get everyone out of your room and into the living room.
After you catch up with your parents, you begin to introduce everyone.

A Universe Apart: Ruby Rose X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now