Flag Game

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     In a large dining hall, America and Japan were surrounded by friends and family. They just got married two hours ago and were about to play a game. Canada was holding a mic and a stack of note cards.

     "Hello everyone, we are about to play an exciting game called the shoe game. I have note cards here that have your questions on them for America and Japan to answer. We have a lot to go over, some questions are weird, some are fun, some will cause arguments. That's the fun eh? Once I read a question, our two grooms will hold up a flag, instead of a shoe. If the answer is America, hold up the American flag. If the answer is Japan, hold up the Japanese flag. You can also hold up both of your flags if you can't decide or you think the question fits both of you. Now lets get into these questions." Canada now looked down at the cards in his hand. America looked as if he was on the verge of laughter.

     "First question, who is in charge-," Canada couldn't even finish his sentence before America raised the Japanese flag. The whole dining hall erupted in laughter, even Japan let out a few chuckles. "Ok, that's it, the game is over! No I'm kidding. Now let me finish! Who is in charge of the remote?" America brought the Japanese flag back up and Japan brought up his flag as well.

     "Question 2, who is better at keeping secrets." Both grooms brought up the Japanese flag. Japan then whispered something into America's ear. "I AM NOT A LOUD MOUTH IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE!" The older nation then stuck his tongue out playfully and America sat down.

     "Question 3, who is the bigger geek?" Japan held up the American flag, while America held up the Japanese flag.

     "Question 4, who falls asleep first?" Both men brought up the Japanese flag.

     "Question 5, after you two met, who made the first move?" In a flash Japan brought up the American flag and America did the same.

     "Question 6, who is the bigger baby when they are sick." Japan and America brought up the others flag.

     "Question 7, who is most likely to wake up grumpy?" Both brought up the American flag.

     "America, you might want to bring up the Japanese flag this time. Question 8, who's always right?" America looked at his brother, "Really?!" Japan already had his own flag up in the air, with a smirk on his face. After glaring at his brother for a bit, America brought up the Japanese flag as well. "I hope he's always right!" England yelled from across the room.

     "Question 9, who kills the spiders in the house?" Japan shuddered at the thought of spiders then held up the American flag, America held it up as well.

     "Question 10, who has the better singing voice?" America shot the Japanese flag up, Japan held it up too. America said, "When Japan sings all I can hear are angels." He then looked to his groom and Japan was blushing red.

     "Question 11, who is more stubborn?" Both men held up their own flags.

     "Question 12, who has the shorter attention span?" Two american flags were brought up.

     "Question 13, who said, 'I love you,' first?" Once again, the american flags were raised. America then turned around and kissed Japan on the cheek.

     "Question 14, while America said I love you first, who is the better kisser?" America held both the American flag and the Japanese flag up. Japan couldn't help but do the same.

     "Question 15." Canada chuckled a bit before continuing. "Who is the better drunk dancer." Both Japan and America held up the American flag.

     "Question 16, who is actually better at dancing." The Japanese flag was held up.

     "Oh no." Canada face palmed before continuing. "Question 17, who has the crazier family?" England, France, and Native America (who politely asked god to let her attend her son's wedding) started pointing at the Asians. In turn, China, Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong pointed at them. While Vietnam, Thailand, Mongolia, and Tibet (as well as any other Asian country), watched them. The efforts were futile, because both America and Japan held up the Japanese flag.

     "ARU! Japan how dare you say we are crazier than that bad cook, pervert, and the false Indian!" China yelled at his brother. "Yeah, I created everything this world has and this is how you repay me! I want a new older brother!" South Korea exclaimed. Japan just looked South Korea and said, "If what you say is true South Korea-san, then you also created a**holes." The dining hall then erupted into laughter once again while South Korea had this dumbfounded look on his face. "I taught him everything I know about comebacks!" America claimed.

     Once everyone calmed down, Canada continued reading out questions. "Question 18, who wears the pants in the relationship?" Both men held up their own flags. "Japan, you wear kimonos all day long. You can't wear the pants in the relationship." America said. Japan replied with a light smack on the back of America's head.

     "Question 19, who has better taste in music." The Japanese flag was held up.

     "Question 20, who liked who first?" America and Japan held up the others flag.

     "Question 21, who'd last longer in the wilderness?" Once again, both men held up the other's flag.

     "Question 22, who cleans up after the pets? (Pochi, Americat, and Japancat)" Both countries held up both the American flag and Japanese flag.

     "Question 23, who is the better cook." The Japanese flag was shot up.

     "This is from table 5. (Where Prussia, Germany, Italy, Romano, and Spain sat) Question 24, who let the dogs out?" America stood up. "We aren't answering that! Prussia, the song is dead!"

     "No its not!" Prussia stood up as well but Germany made him sit back down.

     "Question 25, who gives the best back rub." America held up the Japanese flag, Japan did the same. "I learned from the best." Japan said and looked at China.

     "Final question, a topic of serious debate! Question 26, who loves the other more?" Right after Canada finished, America and Japan raised their own flags high.

     "What are you doing holding your own flag higher? I obviously love you more!" America claimed. "No, I love you more!" Japan said. They stared at each other with an annoyed expression. "No, it is me who loves you more!" Pouting, Japan said, "Then prove it!"

     America then picked up his new husband bridle style. Canada came over with the mic, and held it to his brother's mouth. "Thank you all for coming to me and Japan's wedding. I'm sure we both really appreciate it. Now it must come to a close, and I now have to teach my new husband why I love him more. How, I'd rather not say!" With that America ran out of the hall with Japan in his arms to who knows where.


Times the Japanese Flag was raised: 30

Times the American Flag was raised: 23


     Finally, I'm done with my finals! I've been so tired that I couldn't update the one-shots even when I wanted too. Thanks for being patient.


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