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Roxanne's POV

The next morning, Roxanne woke to soft groans and shuffling around. Mumbled voices asking for aspirin and asking where Alex had gone. She was still laying in bed, pillow pulled over her head to drown out the noise but it wasn't working. She sighed quietly, slowly removing the pillow and forcing her eyes to open. No lights were on and the blinds were drawn closed. Thank gods. She dragged herself out of bed, her tired hazel eyes watery and red. She looked around and everyone was accounted for. Except Alex. She just assumed he left in the middle of the night and shuffled into the bathroom were Fae was pissing and Sofia was taking a shower. "Afternoon." They both mumbled to her. She mumbled one back, handing Fae the toilet paper before reaching into the medicine cabinet and taking out a bottle of aspirin. "When you both are done, it'll be on the counter." She said quietly, only getting soft grunts in response. She walked out, going to the kitchen and fixing three glasses of water as she took out two pills for each of them. She downed hers before she started making breakfast. Just waffles, nothing special. Fae and Sofia shuffled into the kitchen, taking their medicine and giving Roxie a hug and kiss on her cheeks as thanks for the food and meds. After they all ate, the girls left and Roxanne was all alone. She had forgotten what day it was, how important today was, until a sleek, black Audi R8 pulled up in the parking lot of the motel. It was so out of place here that it triggered her memory. She gasped quietly to herself, standing up so suddenly that the chair fell back. She didn't bother to fix it, rushing to her duffel bag and stripping down. She grabbed the nicest yet casual outfit she had, a white long sleeved sweater and black pants after rushingly putting on deodorant and perfume. Knocking ensued on her door as she slipped on a pair of white shoes and ran her hands through her hair and tangled to straighten it out, popping a piece of spear mint gum in her mouth. The knocking became a little louder as she checked her reflection, yelling out that she was coming as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and wiped the last bit of makeup off of her face. She picked up her bag with money in it out of the back of the closet and walked over to the door, finally opening it and looking up...up.....and up to the face of a man she did not know. She'd never seen him before and she slightly sucked in a nervous breath. He was at least 6'5 with buzzed blonde hair and piercing gray eyes, clearly muscled with the built of a line backer. He was covered in tattoos, wearing all black pants, shirt, and shoes. "Do you have the money?" He asked her, his voice deep and gravely. As if he was growling all the time. "Yes, I-I do, it's right here." She mentally cursed herself for stuttering as she handed the bag over to him. He opened it, looking through and seeming to mentally count how much money was in it. He glanced back at her before he pressed a button on the back of his ear. "She doesn't have it all." That one sentence. That one sentence made her heart drop into her stomach and her face pale. She had no more control over her actions as she involuntarily took a step back from the man, who she now assumed was a security or body guard of some sort. He immediately reacted, taking her by the arm and pulling her close, her hands suddenly tied behind her back. The entire time panic kicked in and she struggled against him. She kicked and was about to scream before the mans hand flew over her mouth. She whimpered as tears prickled her eyes and he dragged her to the car, shoving her into the backseat and getting into the drivers, locking the doors. "Please, don't cause a fuss. It'll hurt your wrists and I don't wanna have to restrain you more than I have. So, please Ms. Rome. Settle down." He sighed softly as if he was too old to be dealing with her panicking. She was going to struggle and do just that but he said please. He said it in the nicest voice he could manage and she could understand being tired. She knew that she was, her headache starting to dull but it was still there, pressing against her skull as if it wanted out. She quietly whimpered and nodded, staying still and looking out the window as he began to drive. It was obvious he didn't care if she memorized where they were going which intrigued her. Even though she wasn't struggling, she was twisting her wrists around behind her back, trying to loosen the rope around them. It didn't work. The house the man pulled up to wasn't some grand mansion, no, but a beautiful home. It looked like it was built for a family, maybe. Even though she was technically being kidnapped, she couldn't help but admire the home with a an almost dreamy look. She'd always wished she could live in a house like this with all its dark shades. Don't get her wrong, she loves bright colors but the shades of black and grey were so pretty to her.

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