ScarStel thing :D

86 3 46

Im having problems with this chap too, shit..


And this is kinda in the future btw

Scar and Pastel were asleep, Pastel was the first one to wake up, she yawns, its a start of a new day♥

Pastel: Yaaawwnn~..... Good morning world..! Huh..? !!!!!!

Pastel runs to the bathroom, outside of the Bathroom sounds like throwing up♥

Scarbrush: ...Huh? ..Kitty?

Scarbrush gets out of bed, and opens the bathroom door, seeing Pastel puking♥

Scarbrush: KITTY!

Pastel: A-Agh....! B-blegh..!

Scarbrush: Kitty? Are you okay?!

Pastel: N-No.. ♥Throws up again♥

Scarbrush: I-Its okay Kitty.. Let it all out..

Pastel: U-ugh.. G-gah.. ♥Cough♥

Scarbrush: Do you need to throw up again?

Pastel: I.. I d-dont think so..

Scarbrush: Oh.. I was worried..!

Pastel: C-can I have a paper towel..?

Scarbrush: To wipe the throw up off your mouth? Okay..!

Scarbrush went to a drawer and opened it, there were no paper towels but there was a unused pregnancy test, He grabbed it and searched more drawers, and then found Paper towels♥

Scarbrush: Alright Kitty, I got Paper towels..

Scarbrush wipes the throw up off Pastel's mouth, and he puts the paper towels away♥

Pastel: T-thank you.. But.. Whats that...?

Scarbrush: Oh, its a pregnancy test.. You do know what that is, right?

Pastel: Y-Yea.. My sister taught me..

Scarbrush: Well do you know how to take it?

Pastel: Yes...

Scarbrush: Ill leave you to it.. But.. Flush the toilet first...

Scarbrush leaves and closes the door thinking to himself "What if its positive? Oh I always wanted to be a father.." He keeps thinking that for 4 minutes until Pastel was done with the test

Pastel: Big brother.. Im d-done...

Scarbrush: Well what does it say?

Pastel: Uhh...

Scarbrush: Let me go in with you..

Scarbrush goes in the bathroom♥

Scarbrush: S-So, what does it say?

Pastel: Well there is two lines... What does that mean?

Scarbrush: :O That means your pregnant..!

Pastel: What..?!

Pastel puts her hands on her stomach♥

Pastel: T-there is a really a baby in me..?

Scarbrush: Yes, there is, Congratulations Kitty..

Pastel: O-oh... Im happy... But, what am I gonna tell my sisters..?

Scarbrush: How about we keep this between us..?

Pastel: O- okay...

I feel so embarrassed...

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