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Odell, Sterling, and my daddy walked into my hospital room my daddy let out a sigh.

"Samaya what the hell were you thinking?"

I dropped my head and fiddled with my fingers.

"I'll tell you Mr. Calvin she wasn't thinking at all," O spoke.

"This is the last place I wanted to see you in Samaya."

"Nah Mr. C seeing her in a casket is the last place we want to see her."

"What do you have to say Samaya?"

I lifted my head up with tears streaming down my face.

"I'm sorry."

My daddy sighed he walked over to the bed I scooted over he sat next to me and wrapped his arm around me.

"You know you can always talk to me about anything no matter what."

"And you know I'm all ears Bri."

I only nodded.

"I talked with the doctor and we both agreed that you need therapy someone who you can talk to."

"To help you get rid of all of this pain you're carrying around."

"It's not healthy for you babygirl."

"I know."

"Will you go?"

"Yes sir."

"Great I'll find you a therapist and set up your first appointment."

There was a knock at the door and a nurse walked in.

"Alright Brielle here are your discharge papers."

I got the papers and signed my name handing the nurse papers she walked out.

"You lucky when O called me I stopped by the hotel and got you some clothes."

My daddy handed me the bag I took it he stood up from the bed and walked into the bathroom I changed into my outfit I took my hair out of the bun letting my curls fall. I walked out of the bathroom seeing the nurse with the wheelchair I sat down and played with the armrests as she wheeled me out of the room. O's silence was killing me I don't know what he's thinking about me.

Once we made it to the entrance the devil walked up over to us my daddy blocked her. I told the nurse I had it from here.

"Sydney I thought I told you to go back to Cali."

"I couldn't without knowing my daughter status."

I scoffed and stood up.

"Now I'm your daughter I was your daughter earlier I haven't been your daughter for years but now that I almost killed myself because of you, you wanna feel guilty and bad because of what you pushed me to do nah I don't think so I don't have a mother I never had a mother once I turned 16."

I walked away walking out of the hospital going towards my daddy's car. I leaned up against his car I saw O and Sterling walked out O didn't even glance in my direction they got in a car and drove off my daddy came out and unlocked his car doors.

"You okay princess?"


My daddy nodded we got in his car I sat my bag down and put on the seatbelt.

"I had your brothers place all of your belongings back at the house."


"They wanted to come to the hospital but I told them to stay home."

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