The Ring

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The next day

Bri is at work and I'm on my way to Mr. Calvin's construction company. I meant what I said to Bri last night she's not going to be a Moore forever. I parked my car and got out I walked inside of his building.

"Good morning. How may I help you?"

"I'm here to see Mr. Calvin Moore."

"Is he expecting you."

"Yes ma'am tell him Odell is here."

His receptionist nodded and picked up the phone.

"Mr. Calvin said you can go on back."

I nodded and walked away I walked down the hall I got to Mr. Calvin office I knocked on his door and yelled for me to come in. I walked in and closed the door.

"Wassup O."

"Wazzam Mr. Calvin."

I walked over to his desk and dapped him then I sat down.

"What brings you by you O?"

"Ima cut right to the chase."

"Wait is Bri okay?"


"Alright go ahead."

"Can I have your blessing to marry Bri?"

"Is she pregnant?"

"No Mr. Calvin I love Bri and I don't want her to be my girlfriend forever."

"I'm a little disappointed that she's not pregnant but I'm here for the two of you getting engaged and getting married."

I smiled.


"Have you went ring shopping?"

"No sir I wanted to get your blessing first before I go looking for any rings."

"Now that you have my blessing go out today and find the perfect ring."

"How would I know which ring is the perfect ring?"

"You'll know as soon as you see it because it'll scream Bri name."

I nodded.

"Listen go all out for the proposal cause you're going to have only one chance and you want it to be memorable."

"Yes sir."

We talked a little more then I left his office and his building. About twenty minutes later I pulled up to Tiffany's I parked and got out. I locked my Maybach doors and walked inside of Tiffany's.

"Hello sir how may I help you," the woman asked as I approached her.

"I'm going to propose to my girlfriend soon and I need to find the perfect ring for her."

"Okay do you have an idea in your mind?"

"No but I do want her ring to shine in the sunlight and anytime she flashes her ring to show it off something she'll be proud of."


The lady opened the ring display and pulled out a case of rings then she pulled out another case of rings. I looked at each ring carefully and so far none of the rings screamed Bri. I saw one ring in the ring display.

"Can I see this one," I asked and pointed at the ring.

The woman pulled the ring out handed it to me. I got the ring and looked at it and smiled.

"This is the ring."

"Great choice this ring was just made so your girlfriend is going to be the first woman to wear this ring and she's going to love it."

I nodded the woman placed the ring in the engagement box and rung it up she gave me the price. I went in my wallet and pulled out my AMEX card and handed it to her. Now that I have the perfect room now it's time to plan the proposal.

Few hours later

Me and Liyah are at the house relaxing by the pool I talked to O earlier and he was at work then he had to run a few errands.

"Liyah I think O is going to propose in like 2 years."

"Why you say that?"

"Because last night O said that I wasn't going to be a Moore forever so that means he's going to propose."

"I'm the maid of honor right?"

"Even though I'm not engaged yet yes you're the maid of honor.

Liyah hugged me and I laughed.

"It's been so hard with hiding me being pregnant from everyone I'm starting to get a small pudge."

"I know it is but soon you'll be able to tell everyone that you're pregnant."

I nodded.

"Oh let me tell you what O did the other day."

"What he do?"

"He already got some stuff for the baby's nursery."

"Awww really."

"Yes he surprised me with the stuff he did get I decided to wait until we find out what I'm having to get the crib but I did order the bassinet for our room."

"Wow seems like O is in daddy mode."

"Yeah and I love it."

Liyah nodded.

"Shawn is moving down here."


"Yeah we're going to be moving in together as soon as we find a place."

"Okay I'm happy for you bestie."

"Thank you I just hope things don't end up like my last relationship."

"They won't Shawn isn't like him."

Liyah nodded.

"Have you told Shawn about your last relationship?"

"Yeah I did and he was ready to fight him."

"And Shawn should."

"Bri I'm happy now let it go."

"Okay but I'm just saying you walked away a little too cool from that situation."

"Who said I walked away too cool?"

I raised my eyebrows.

"What did you do?"

"I shot their asses you really thought I was about to let that nigga cheat on me and I didn't do anything that's why I spent 3 months in county."

"So that's where you was when I didn't see you for three months?"

"Yep and getting my job wasn't easy either but I got the job."

"What you mean?"

"I had to prove to the chief that I wasn't a bad person so I was on probation for 60 days."

I nodded and yawned.

"You tired."

"I am."


We stood up and made our way inside of the house once inside I turned and locked the side door. Me and Liyah made our way upstairs she went in the guest room and I walked into me and O room. I found me some clothes then I made my way to the bathroom. This nap is about to be A1.

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