Meet Nadirah

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Nadirah in m/m

Later that day

I laid Braelyn down in her bassinet Braxton was already sleep. I stood up and stretched then walked into the kitchen seeing Odell cooking.

"Liyah told me that she's on the way with Nadirah."

"Okay the food will be done soon."


Braxton started crying I walked out of the kitchen going back into the living room I walked over to the bassinet and picked him up.

"Hi mommy handsome baby," I cooed.

I kissed his cheek and felt his diaper.

"Let's get you changed baby boy."

I made my way upstairs to the nursery. I changed Braxton and made my way back down the stairs the doorbell rung I walked over to the door and unlocked it.

"Hey Bri."

"Hey Liyah y'all come in and close the door."

I walked away from the door going back into the living room I sat down with Braxton.

"Bri this is Nadirah Nadirah this is your godmom Brielle and her twins Braxton and Braelyn."

"Nice to meet you godmom Brielle."

"You too Nadirah and you don't have to call me godmom Brielle godmom Bri is fine."

She nodded.

"Liyah she looks exactly like you she just got some of her dad's features."

"Yeah I know."

"Where's O?"

"He's in the kitchen."

Shawn nodded and stood up and walked into the kitchen.

"Can I hold Braelyn?"

"Sure go wash your hands first the bathroom is down the hall first door to the left."

Nadirah stood up and walked out of the living room.

"How was it meeting her?"

"It was good we both cried."

"So she's not upset with you?"

"I thought she would have been but she told me that Reggie told her the truth last night."

"Wait the entire truth?"

"The entire truth so when she saw me she broke away from him and ran straight into my arms."

"Talk to me Liyah?"

"I missed out on all of her first milestones Bri and that hurts."

"I know it do."

"That's time that I can't get back but now that she's with me for good we are going to make new memories."

Nadirah walked back in she walked over to the bassinet and picked Braelyn up Taliyah stood up and helped Nadirah adjust Braelyn in her arms then she sat down in between us.

"Godmom Bri she's so cute."

"Thank you."

"Nadirah do you have any siblings by your dad?"

"No but I'm excited to be a big sister."

"What do you want your mama to have?"

"A girl."

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