Early Arrival

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2 weeks later—July 31, 2019

I'm literally over this pregnancy I'm ready to go ahead and give birth to my babies so I can have my body back as well as my bladder. Having to pee every 10-15 minutes is aggravating and tiring when you have a belly as big as mines. Only two more months before the prince and princess arrive. There was a knock at the door I huffed and slowly scooted to the end of the couch then I rocked a little and finally got up. I waddled over to the door I looked out the peephole seeing mama Heather I smiled and let her in.

"Hey Bri."

"Hey mama Heather."

I stepped aside and let her in I closed and locked the door.

"What are you and my grand babies doing in here?"

"Nothing just lounging around watching tv until it's time for me to get ready for the baby shower speaking of how is the baby shower coming along."

"It's coming a long pretty nicely I can't wait for you to see it."

"Same here."

I let out a sigh as I felt the urge to use the bathroom.

"What's wrong?"

"Gotta go to the bathroom again."


I quickly waddled off to the bathroom I opened the door and walked in and quickly shut the door behind me.

After handling my business I stood up but quickly sat back down when I felt the urge to pee again. I stood back up and wiped myself but more kept coming out. I slowly waddled over to the door and opened it.

"MAMA HEATHER," I called out.

I closed the door and leaned up against the counter and said a prayer I hope that my babies aren't trying to come early. Seconds later the door opened and mama Heather stepped in I opened my eyes and looked at her.

"What's wrong Bri?"

"I think my water broke it's too soon for them to come I'm only 34 weeks."

"Okay let's get you to your room and change your clothes then we can head to the birthing center and find out."

I nodded mama Heather wrapped her arms around me and we made our out of the bathroom.

45 minutes later

We arrived at the birthing center mama Heather parked and she got out I opened the passenger door and slowly got out. We walked up to the entrance doors and walked inside the receptionist looked up at me with a smile.

"Hey Brielle you have a appointment with Dr. Pemberton," she asked.

"No I think my water broke and I'm only 34 weeks."

"Okay let's get you in a room and find out."

Maria stood up from her seat and walked around the desk.

"Can you walk?"



We walked down the hall and over to one of the rooms she turned on the lights and got me a gown.

"Go in the bathroom and change into this gown."

I nodded and took the gown I sat my bags down and waddled into the bathroom. I changed into the gown and waddled back out of the bathroom. I waddled over to the bed and laid down. I watched as Maria place the IV in my arm as well as strap me to the baby monitor to monitor the babies heartbeat as well as the contractions.

"Alright Brielle I'm going to go get Dr. Pemberton."


Maria smiled warmly and walked out of the room I turned my head towards mama Heather.

"If my water did break and I'm in labor-," mama Heather cut me off.

"I already know I'll call O and let him know."

I nodded mama Heather walked over to me and rubbed my hand.

"Have your mucus plug fell out?"

"Yes at first it scared me and I immediately called Dr. Pemberton and from what I described to her she confirmed that mucus plug fell out."

"Okay and have you been having Braxton Hicks contractions?"

"Yes I have and they weren't consistent until today the contractions were ranging from 10-15 minutes once they got down to being 10 minutes apart I was going to call O and tell him that I needed to come here."

There was a knock at the door and Dr. Pembeton walked in.

"Okay Brielle I'm going to check and see if your water broke and also I'm going to see how much you've dilated."

I only nodded I couldn't say anything the words are nonexistent. I said a silent prayer as a few tears fell.

I had gotten a call from my mama about Brielle's water breaking and that she's in active labor she's 3 centimeters to be exact.

"Can I get everyone's attention," I spoke.

Everyone stopped putting up the decorations and looked at me.

"I know we've all prepared for this moment but there will not be a baybeh shower I just got off the phone with my mama and Bri water broke and she's in active labor so please take down the decorations I'm sorry for any inconvenience."

My pops walked up to me.

"O you go ahead and go I'll make sure that everything is down and we'll be up there once we're finished."

"Yes sir."

"Now go help my daughter bring those babies into this world."

"Yes sir."

My dad patted me on my back and I ran out of the venue and over to my car I hopped in and started it up I placed my seatbelt on and put the gear in drive I connected my bluetooth then I called my mama back to see did she get Bri hospital bag and the twins diaper bag.

45 minutes later
I arrived at the birthing center and I parked my car Maria lead me to the room that Brielle was in I walked in seeing her sleeping.

"Hey mama," I whispered.

"Hey O."

I closed the door quietly then I walked over to my mama we hugged.

"How long has she been sleep?"

"5 minutes she had a strong contraction and was in tears and I rubbed her back once it passed I leaned over to see her slowly going to sleep."

I nodded I removed my shoes then I climbed in the bed behind Bri placing my hands on her stomach.

"How far apart are her contractions?"

"7 minutes apart."

I nodded.

"She'll be waking up soon."

Right on queue Brielle woke up.

"Breathe in with your nose and out with your mouth Bri," my mama coached.

I grabbed Bri hands and she squeezed both of them.

"I'm right here baybeh."

Brielle let my hands go and slowly turned on her other side looking at me.

"Everything is going to be okay baybeh I know you're scared and so am I but we both gotta have faith."

Brielle only nodded.

"We got this baybeh and our prince and princess will be fine."


"I love you."

"I love you too."

I kissed Bri she wrapped her arms around me and snuggled into my chest I placed one hand on her back and rubbed it while the other rubbed her stomach. God please let my son and daughter be healthy and have no issues when they come out into this world.

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