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Few hours later

Both families are gone now it's just me and O I walked into the living room with my bowl of fruits and bottle of water I sat next to O. He looked at me and grabbed my feet he took my slippers off and started massaging my feet.

"Mhmm thank you baby," I spoke.

"You're welcome."

I popped a grape in my mouth.

"We need to talk baby."

"About what?"

"I had gotten a call from Dr. Pemberton."

"About your results?"

"Yeah I have Placenta Previa."

"What's that?"

"It's where my placenta is covering my cervix as pregnant women go through their pregnancy the placenta is supposed to move up but mine didn't."

"So what does this mean?"

"I'm on bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy and if my placenta doesn't move up then I'll have to have an emergency c-section."

O stopped rubbing my feet and looked at me.

"Everything is going to go fine baybeh Ima make sure that you continue to rest and elevate your feet and help you in any way I can."

I nodded.

"Come here."

I sat the bowl and my bottle of water down on the table and got up I sat in O lap he placed his hands on my stomach.

"Talk to me baybeh."

"I'm scared O what if something happens to me or the babies."

"Nothing is going happen baybeh you gotta have faith that everything is going to be alright when you give birth to our babies."


O kissed me and started rubbing my stomach causing both of the twins to move around and I winced in pain.

"What's wrong?"

"Either baby boy or baby girl got his or her feet on my ribs and it hurt."

"Show me where."

I showed O where and he rubbed the area I let out a breath.

"Thank you babe."

"You're welcome."

O tapped me to get up and I got up and sat back down.

"I'm going to go get the clothes out of the dryer and fold them."

"Okay I'll be right here."

O nodded and walked out of the living room I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv going to Netflix. After searching for a while I found a tv show called Family Reunion it seemed interesting so I clicked on it I grabbed my fruit bowl and bottle of water I sat back and watched the show.

O is right I do need to have faith that everything is going to be just fine and my placenta will move I just need to rest. O walked in the living room and sat down.

"Any pains again baybeh?"


O nodded and continued to fold our clothes I paused the show.

"Babe how are we going to do the nursery since we're having a girl and a boy," I asked.

"Well we can do pink and blue or neutral colors."

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