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The next day

O went to work because he had a conference meeting and I had the day off the doorbell rung I stood up and walked over to the door. I unlocked the door seeing Cj we hugged then he closed the door we walked into the living room and sat down.

"Don't you supposed to be in school?"

"I only had two classes."

"Two classes?"

"Yeah your lil bro is smart."


"I came to talk to you."


"College I put in a lot of applications."

"How many applications did you put in?"


"That's a lot of applications."

"I gotta have my options open sis and dad told me that you put in 35 applications and got into your first college option."

"Yeah I did. What's your top college?"


I nodded.

"You ready to graduate?"

"Yes Ima need your help though sis."

"With what?"

"My speech I'm Valedictorian."


"I think that it's time for dad to start dating again."


"Yeah he deserves happiness and he deserve to be in love again it's been years since my mama died and he need to get back out there with dating."

"I agree."

Cj squinted his eyes at me.

"Is dad dating again? Don't lie either Bri."

"Yes dad is dating again I met his girlfriend last night."

"How come dad didn't just do a dinner and let all of us meet his girlfriend?"

"Because he was scared of y'all reaction to his girlfriend and that you and Keon would think that he's trying to replace y'all mom."

"That's definitely not the case with me and Keon we was thinking about putting him on a dating website but now I know that it's not needed."


"So since you and O met his girlfriend first is she pretty," Cj asked.

"Yeah she is you and Keon need to talk to dad and let him know that y'all are okay with him dating again."

"Okay Bri you have anything you want to tell me," Cj asked with raised eyebrows.


"You sure cause I had a dream about fishes."

"I don't have nothing to tell you Cj."

"You got your lady thing."

"Lady thing?"

"Your period sis did you get your period," Cj asked.

"That's none of your concern lil bro."

"Okay but you're pregnant just know that I'm happy and I can't wait until you find out."


"Just know that I'm rooting for you to have a boy."

"That's if I'm pregnant Cj."

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