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I tightly held my necklace in my cold palm, closed my eyes and wished. I wished that I would find my soulmate, before it is too late.

No one wants to sit around, by themselves with 87 cats lying around. No one.

The pendant hanging on my necklace is a peculiar shape. It looks like two triangles stuck together, side by side. It has two small pink rhinestones on it, and three miniature stars printed on it in black.

My parents are soulmates. Their necklaces stick together if they touch, and the only way to release them is with an act of love, such as a kiss or something of the like [mainly because, you wouldn't want to have your necklaces stuck together; you'd barely be able to move freely].

They are perfect together, my mother and my father. Anyone could see it.

My mother's name is Amanda, and my father's name is Louis. They met each other a few days after my mother turned seventeen, and my father is only a couple of months older than my mother.

Let me explain the whole necklace thing, in case you don't know already.

So, when we are born, each of us has a necklace [don't ask how, it's magic!] with a pendant on it; but half of a pendant. Our soulmate has the other half. Once you turn seventeen, the necklace is activated and you are attracted to your soulmate; your soulmate attracted to you. You have one year to find your soulmate, before you turn eighteen, and once you do find your soulmate, your necklaces bound together for the first time and, as I said before, only an act of love can release you from it's grasp. If you're lucky, your soulmate will only live in the next town over; next block over; or even the next street. But some people? Not so lucky. Their soulmate could be across the globe, and it's pretty hard to find them then. However, it's not impossible. I've heard so many stories where people have travelled far and wide to find their soulmate. It's amazing. What happens after you turn eighteen, you ask? You are no longer attracted to your soulmate, but if you do somehow find them, your necklaces will no longer attract. Your necklaces won't shine in the presence of them, also, and you won't be able to find any amount of affection to your soulmate, as hard as you may try. Pretty sad, seeing as I have two months until my eighteenth birthday.

That's a bit of it; when we are nine, though, we attend a class once a week for a few months to fully understand the process.

I was scared. Scared that I would be alone all my life, with no one to hold onto when I was alone, and sad.

My best friend, Elle, has already found her soulmate. She turned eighteen five months ago; in December. Elle's boyfriend [she feels sorry for me when I mention 'soulmate'; so she tells me to call him her boyfriend] is called Derek. Their ship name is Derelle [I didn't choose it!].

Sighing, I lay my head back, closed my eyes, and fell asleep to the sound of the clock ticking on the opposite wall.


Thursday 23rd April
Officially two months until my birthday. SOULMATE, WHERE ARE YOU??!¡ Near, I hope.
- Tay



hey guys.

btw the end bit is like Taylor's diary, but in her thoughts I guess. I wasn't really sure when I added it in there. :p

what do you guys think about this book? I really kept this 'chapter' quite short, and I just kind of went into more depth about the necklace thang. I hope you guys all understand. Feel free to leave some questions tho, I'll be happy to answer!

Kay, thanks.
- Juliet

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