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Thank you @vinyl- for this amazing cover on the side! You're amazing.


All I could think about last night was Dean. His swift black hair combed to the side. His light brown eyes. The way he smirked. I don't know why. I don't know how. I just couldn't stop thinking about him.

He's really cocky, that's true. I hadn't expected Dean to be like that, since he is a quiet guy and it surprised me, I guess.

I had barely slept for a few hours on Sunday night. I tossed and turned in my bed until four in the morning, when I left my uncomfortable bed and had a long shower.

I had Math first lesson today - I don't like Math, but somehow it is one of my strong subjects so I try my best to attend each lesson and hopefully get a high grade at the end of the year.

I left my house at seven; my little brother Leo wasn't awake yet so I could [fortunately] have some home-made pancakes in peace, and I decided to leave early anyway.

The cold breeze nipped at every bare part of my body - it was the wrong decision to not wear a jacket today. Fighting the urge to get in my car and drive to school, I decided on walking, as the walk only took fifteen minutes, and it was healthy to just take a walk once in a while.

The walk took five minutes longer than usual, as I quickly bought an espresso from Kafé. I really needed the energy.

When I arrived at school, there were only a couple of cars in the parking lot. No one really wants to come to school this early.

Jogging up to the student entrance, I strode into the building and wrapped my arms around myself, encasing the heat, my teeth chattering. It was a really cold day; I hoped it would rain soon.

Quickly, I collected my Math textbook from my locker and clutched it to my chest. There was still around a half hour to go before lessons started.

I waltzed along the empty corridors, looking for somebody, anybody, that I could talk to. I didn't care who it was. I was feeling a bit lonely.

I swiftly turned a corner and saw a certain someone in a black leather jacket, crouched on the floor.

Smiling to myself, I took long strides and stood behind that person. I peeked over their shoulder to see them picking up some pieces of papers.

Feeling it wasn't my business, I started a conversation with the best greeting in the history of greetings. "Yo," I said.

That person turned around with an eyebrow raised, and snorted once seeing me.

It was Dean.

"Look who it is!" he exclaimed.

I looked over my shoulder, trying to make a lame joke. "Who?" Dean rolled his eyes at my stupid remark.

"What are you doing?" I asked, trying to get the conversation to go somewhere.

He shrugged and turned back to his sheets, piling them together. "Can I see?"

"No." he quickly replied.


"Because," said Dean, pausing. "This is my stuff-"

"Yeah, I figured." I cut him off.

Dean ignored me and carried on. "This is my stuff, and I don't want someone I barely know to demand and see my personal documents. Okay?"

"Okay," I said. "Sorry."

He shrugged. "I'm Taylor." I said, smiling, striking my hand into his nose.

He raised a brow before taking it and shaking my hand vigorously. I thought my shoulder had been dislocated. "I know," Dean smirked. "I'm Dean."

"I know," I said, smiling.


The rest of the day went by pretty slowly. I had Math, Gym and Science, but I decided to skip English Literature because I didn't want to be given another detention from Ms. Stevensons for not doing my homework; sure, I'd get a detention for truanting, but that's better than being yelled at by her, and being humiliated in front of the whole class.

After school, I was at the library doing some homework until four, so I decided to head home.

Standing up and stretching, I folded my Math worksheet in half before walking to the entrance, and saying goodbye to the librarian.

I grasped my bag from the hook by the door, swung it over my shoulder, and head out, down the stone steps.

I was surprised to see Elle coming towards me, up to the library. I instantly lit up and jumped forward to her, throwing my arms around her back. Elle responded by gasping, nearly stumbling back, and then hugging me back, smiling.

"Elle!" I exclaimed, after pulling away.

"Taylor!" screamed Elle, putting her hands on my forearm.

"What are you doing here? You hate studying!" I said.

Elle nodded. "Yeah, I know, but I had to get a book on Adolf Hitler for this stupid history project." she moaned.

I nodded, understandingly. "Okay, have fun!" Elle rolled her eyes. "I better get going. Bye! Love you!"

I trudged down the rest of the grey steps, smiling to myself.

I exited the school and skipped to the parking lot, to see a familiar silver car parked in the center.

I could see someone standing beside the silver car - but I wasn't sure who, as the only things I could see were a few hairs sticking out, and one arm of a leather jacket.

Curiously, I peered round the side of the car to see Dean, texting on his phone. "HELLO!" I shouted, for no reason whatsoever.

Dean squealed, and jumped a few steps back. "Holy shit!" he swore. I laughed.

"Sorry that you scream like a girl," I said, once my laughter died down.

Dean scowled at me in response, and then shoved his phone into his pocket.

"Give me your phone." I demanded. Dean quirked an eyebrow. He obviously hadn't exchanged numbers with someone before. What a loser.

Holding out my hand, and making a give-it-to-me-now expression, Dean gave in and slapped his phone into my open palm.

He looked confused as I unlocked his phone [which surprisingly didn't have a passcode] and punched my number into his contacts, with the name, "The Most Beautiful Person Ever, Taylor" before handing Dean's phone back to him.

I caught myself looking at Dean's neck, after I handed him his phone back and he was checking I hadn't done anything 'wrong,' as he called it. As my eyes wandered [around his neck] I could see just about an inch of some black cord, against his neck, but I found myself wanting to see his pendant.

He isn't your soulmate, Taylor. He dislikes you. Why do you think like that? I was beginning to agree with the pessimistic voice yelling at the back of my head. He dislikes me; and I dislike him, too.

And that is how it will stay.


Monday 27th April
I have mixed feelings like asDFGHJKL WHAT IS HAPPENING? You stupid ass, Dean.



The last time I updated was eight days ago; what what what?! Okayyyyyy so here is a new chapter :) x I don't know if it is long or not b/c I don't know what, on Wattpad, is classed as a long chapter. I usually write chapters on my phone, because I think it is easier. I type faster on there, okay?! Don't hate me. I hope you liked this chapter! Feel free to comment your opinions :) x

- Juliet

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