[1] The Mall

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Write a description of a busy shopping mall or market:

The handles from shopping bags covered her arms like wrist bands. The thin straps from the handles dug into her skin. She sighed in distress as the weight from all the bags was dragging her down. She took a deep breath, trying to regain her strength in order to heave these heavy bags along with her. Swarms of people barged past, people pushing their way through anybody blocking their path. The perfectly polished, white marble floor below was non-existent as it was covered with trampling feet. The noise of people stomping on the floor at all different times boomed through the mall, sounding like a stampede of cows running through the field.

People hustled their way through the crowd desperately searching for the next store to enter. As she had been here all day she stood on her toes, franticly searching for an exit. To her disappointment, all she saw ahead of her was a sea of people which flooded the mall. The amount of people in the mall was overwhelming. It was like trying to fit a rock into a key hole. It was so crammed to the point where the shopping mall felt tiny.

The sound was immense. Noises from all different directions bombarded through her ears. Screams of frustration from children. Glass shattering, high-pitched cries from babies. Laughter from teenagers. The noise was like a live party, never dying down. The atmosphere was chaotic. It was impossible for her to stop and search for an exit as she was constantly being pushed around by people as if she was the ball in a game of football. Next to her was a plush, maroon cushion covered in velvet. Immediately, her legs sprung towards the couch. Her body sunk into the cushion. Now that she had avoided the sea of people she was able to look for the nearest exit.

Her eyes darted across the mall. Her eyes covered the entire area until they stopped. They were glued directly to the source of the flocks of people entering the mall. There was a large rectangular glass door which was wide open. Beams of sunlight reflected on the glass causing the large mass of people entering to squint their eyes. Ahead seemed like a waterfall of people pouring in. She leaped out of the cushion to escape. To her, it seemed as if she the only person going against the current of all these people. As she ran out of the door, a sigh of relief escaped her lips as she finally made her way out of the unorganized chaos.

Word Count: 412

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