Chapter 1: Are we here yet?

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"Courtney!!" I called. "What?" Courtney whined. "Are we in Toronto yet?" I groaned. Courtney grunted. "No Natalie!" Courtney shouted. "This is taking forever!"I whined. Courtney nodded. "I know, I'm starting to get really bored." Courtney admitted.

"Don't worry lads,we'll be there soon" Niall implied while playing with Courtney's hair. Just then Zayn walked in and noticed me and Courtney groaning. "What's wrong?" He asked sitting down next to me. "I'm bored!" I shouted. Zayn put his finger in his ear, "You're also loud." he joked.

I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "Sorry" I whisper quietly. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. We were on another tour for the boys and they were traveling all over this time. Not just North America, but now the south. Everything has been the same basically since the first day we met, We're always usually hanging out , watching movies or running around. But today we've been sitting around all day because the bus drive to Toronto takes hours.

"Where's Harry and Louis?" Zayn asked, I laid on the couch and lifted my arm like a noddle and pointed to a direction behind Zayn. "Harry is passed out on the other couch, and Louis is web caming his mom or something" I mumbled.

"Web caming his mother?" Zayn asked. " This seems like an unusual time to be doing that." Zayn adds.

The thing is , Zayn and his parents don't really talk, they haven't in years. They never really supported Zayn and the decisions he made about his career. They thought he broke religion.

"Maybe he just misses his mom" Courtney added. I shrugged my shoulders. "I love you" Liam called walking in the room with a phone in his ear. "I miss you more" He cooed. "Man he must really miss Danielle" Courtney whispered. I giggled. 'Well, they've been going out for 4 months why wouldn't he?" I asked. "I know, but he's been so strange ever since we left for touring" Courtney added. "He's become quite emotional lately , I caught him watching Oprah the other day!" She announced with a laugh.

I laughed. "Well maybe he's blooming his true sensitive self." I added. Zayn chuckled shaking his head. "Oh dear god, I hope this is a phase." Zayn mumbled.



I opened my magazine and gasped.

"NO, WAY!!" I screamed. "What?" My younger sister Carly asks.

"Zayn had a girlfriend for over a year and didn't tell his fans till now?!" I bursted. Carly shrugged her shoulders.

"Yeah so?" She asked. I gasped and shoved the picture to her face. "Yeah,so , that means I'm losing my chance with Zayn!" I shouted.

"Trina,Your 16, he's 19, there's no way he would date you!" Carly admitted. I gasped and flipped my light brown hair and stook my nose up. "Pfft,ya like you would know anything, you're only 13 !" I mumbled.

She smacked her palm to her forehead and shook her head. "MOM TRINA'S GOING CRAZY AGAIN!" she shouted.

I groaned and she started to laugh "Shut up!" I called.

"Why are you so obsessed over these boys?" Carly asks sititng down picking up the magazine. " I mean c'mon they aren't even your age Trina!"

I snatched the magazine and dusted it off and placed it gently on my bed. "Why are you even in my room?" I asked crossing my arms.

She crossed her arms and giggled. I sighed and pointed to the door. Carly got up and giggled and left the room. I picked up the magazine and glared shaking my head, "Natalie Maxwell, you better not break Zayn's heart." I whispered.

I turned and picked up my wallet and pulled out my tickets. "And aslong, as they have a concert coming up, This could be my one chance to meet Zayn and we'll be married!" I cheered.

"Married? Really?" Asked Carly leaning at the door. I blushed and looked up surprised and shoved the stuff under my pillow.

"How much did you hear?" I asked rudley.

"From-Natalie Maxwell, you better not break Zayn's heart, and Marrige" she said laughing.

"I told you to get out!" I said in a rude tone. Carly laughed and walked out closing the door behind her.

I blushed in embaressment and Blew a quick kiss to my Zayn poster and walked out.


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Picture of Trina on the side :)


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