Undercover Danger

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Fast and hot, not a lot of back story.


Narrated and rated X

Violence, Strong language and smut. The usual. I'm in a smutty mood. Gay smut read at your own risk.

As this universe contains no women, the word Bitch is used against C-types and the word pussy is used to describe a C-types... Well... their butthole.

Nico, a man many would call dangerous, some like the agency would call him a threat to society. A terrorist even.

Yet Nelson didn't see it, well sure, he'd seen the man kill, he'd seen him do wicked things, but he still wasn't a monster. At least not in Nelson's eyes. Nelson found himself falling in love with the man he was trying to bring down.

The thing is, Nelson works for  The Agency, an international group, that handles world wide crimes, big crimes.

He was deep deep deep undercover, he'd been undercover for three years, and he'd just gotten into Nico's inner circle.

The tall Hispanic A-type wasn't trusting, but Nelson or rather his alter ego Drizzy had broken through.

Nelson hadn't meant to fall for the man, he was professional, a perfect agent.

Not one man in the Dragons thought him a pig, no he'd earned most of the A-types trust, they came to accept him.

Acceptance came with being treated like a little brother, him being a C-type made the men who came to like and respect him, overprotective.

That was how he got in, Nelson's level of international clearance, gave him the ability to do whatever he needed to close his case.

That being noted, that was how he'd got to finally meet the headman in charge.

He'd brought him the head of Zekiel Matthews, a well known crime boss, known for selling the largest supply of military grade weapons into America.

His main business dealings were with Nico Alvarez himself.

Nelson was given the head by his agency contact, he wasn't put off or skiddish. He wasn't a peace officer, he wasn't a detective, he was an international agent. An IA.

He'd carried the head to his connect, a man named Henny, the guy had tried to take credit for the kill, Nelson called him out.

Nico's right hand Dino witnessed how ruthless Nelson could be, when after accusing the man of lying he shot him point blank in the head.

He provided Dino with photographic proof of Zekiel's murder. Dino of course was intrigued by the dangerous C-type. He told Nico all about the guy who didn't fit the C-type mold.

He went on and on about how he could be a valuable and deadly asset, there aren't many C-types in their line of work. "What he look like?" Nico asked.

And Dino didn't lie, "Taller than other C-types, he's still pretty though, in an exotic way. He prolly takes blockers cause he got a little beard, but his eyes bro... One is blue and the others brown.

It's still a running joke between Nico's closer grew members, the ones he started the Dragons with.

They still laugh at how Nico reacted to meeting the C-type. He'd treated him like an insect, barely taking in his presence.

Though Nelson is good at forgetting it, he is still a C-type, and standing in Nico's presence did effect him.

Especially with Nico being fine, with a low cut, a yummy cake batter complexion, sleepy bedroom eyes and a voice that could melt ice, his slight accent didn't help.

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