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After your perfect moment together on the bridge over the ice rink, you and Jin had become hungry. He told you that he had made a reservation at a local restaurant, so you two were walking there now, hand in hand. It had started to snow softly, making the world around you look even more perfect. You smiled at each other all the time. You couldn't yet believe your luck; an amazing boyfriend, a friend, someone to hang out with. Jin was now all of that to you, completely and utterly perfect. After about a ten minute walk, Jin said you had arrived at the restaurant. It was a small and intimate place, with candles on the tables and a fireplace. You said opposite each other and immediately held hands over the table, caressing each other with your fingers. You were talking a bit while looking at the menu, and when the waitress came over, she smiled as she took your order. "Can I just say that I think you two are the cutest couple? Really adorable!" You both smiled and blushed as you looked at each other, and then thanked her. 

Jin started speaking to you; "Can I just say how beautiful you look today? It's really amazing." You blushed and giggled. Yes oppa, you told me so this morning, it's still really sweet of you though. Jin's eyes widened as he took in what you just said. "Who taught you that word Y/N I thought you didn't speak Korean?" You looked a little embarrassed. "I just looked it up, because I wanted to surprise you with something, now that you're my boyfriend.." "No no, sweety, I love it when you call me that. It's really cute," Jin quickly said. He smiled at you and grabbed your hand more tightly. "I guess I will be calling you my jagi from now on then." You licked your lips and smiled back at him, flattered by his words. "I'm your jagi and you're my oppa. Sounds amazing." He chuckled happily and gave you a kiss on your forehead as he stood up, saying that he is just going to the bathroom. 

You watch Jin walk away and think to yourself that his butt looks quite nice. He looks around and sees you staring, winks, and then turns the corner. Just as you blush, your phone rings. Its your mum. "Hey mummy, how are you today?" you say as you pick up. "Hello my dear sweetheart, I'm just calling to wish you a very happy birthday! I'm alright honey, thank you for asking. I really hope you're having a good day though, did you do anything fun?" You bit your lip and smiled to yourself, then decided to tell her. "Well actually mum, I met the most amazing guy yesterday, his name is Jin. He took me ice-skating today, after breakfast, and now we're at dinner. He is really great, very sweet, goes to the same university as I and has actually just become my boyfriend!" Your mum didn't say anything for a few seconds and then spoke again. "Sweety, I think that is really amazing. I'm very happy for you. Just promise me that you will be careful and to not do anything you don't want to." You promised her this, and saw Jin walking over back to you at just that moment. 

"Actually mum, I think I'm just going to let you hear his voice now, hold on a few seconds." You mouthed to Jin that it was your mum, and he gladly took the phone from you. "Hello ma'am, this is Kim Seok-jin, your daughter's very proud boyfriend." You giggled as he glanced at you, smiling himself as well. "Yes... yes of course ma'am... I would never ma'am... I promise that I will take care of Y/N. Yes... Thank you ma'am. Your daughter will be perfectly safe with me. I think our dinner is coming right now... I look forward to meeting you as well. Thank you... Goodbye!" Jin gave you back the phone and you listened to you mother's voice as the waitress put your dinner down in front of you. "Hey honey. He sounds really wonderful, very polite as well. I couldn't hear anything just yet, so I trust you're in good care. Now enjoy yourself, eat your dinner, and have a fantastic evening." "Thank you mum," you answered, "and yes, I'm really happy with him and his politeness." You winked at Jin as you said this, making him almost choke on the sip of water he had just taken. "Go now then sweety, and take care. I love you!" "I love you too mum." You hung up after this. 

Jin had ordered some champagne for the both of you as well, which another waiter had just brought over. "Don't you think champagne is a bit too fancy for just a pizza dinner?", you said as you softly clinked your glass against his. "Nothing is too fancy for me to celebrate finding the best girl there is, my dear jagi," Jin answered smugly. You laughed at his feigned arrogance and started eating your pizza, which was the best you ever had. The two of you talked more during dinner, and he laughed as he cleaned a bit of sauce from your upper lip once. Jin started talking about university as well. "I'm really excited for us to have classes together as well. What were you taking again?" You took another sip of champagne, slowly starting to feel the effect of the alcohol, making you a bit more spontaneous and talkative. 

"Well, I'm taking journalism and theatre classes, as well as some history courses." Jin instantly lightened up. "Theatre? That's great, then you'll definitely be in my group, and of course with my friends as well." You blinked at him a few times, and then said "Friends?" Jin laughed and rolled his eyes at you. "Yes jagi, I have friends. They're all guys, very sweet. I can't wait to introduce you to them." You were very curious now. "What are their names? And are they just as handsome as you are?" Jin chuckled at your question, and said cockily "No one is as handsome as I am, but they're alright. I think you would really get along with Hoseok and Jimin. Those are two of them, the rest are Jungkook, Taehyung, Yoongi and Namjoon. Some of them like to go by their nicknames more, but you'll have to ask them about that yourself. I'll introduce you to them soon. Maybe the second day of Christmas? We're all going to Namjoon's house then to celebrate together. You'd be more than welcome, but do know that you'd be the only girl there." You smiled and said that you would love to come and meet the guys. Jin smiled happily at you and finished his pizza, swigging his champagne back as well. 

You finished eating the pizza as well and drank the last bit of your champagne, then looked at Jin. "What do you say we'll go for a few drinks and then maybe dancing? I'm feeling all energetic and really want to see some dance places." Jin laughed at your enthusiasm and nodded, and then smirked. "That sounds like a great plan honey, let's just have dessert first and then go." You were about to say that you hadn't ordered dessert, when the waitress came out with a piece of chocolate cake with a sparkler in it, singing happy birthday with the rest of the staff. You sat there bemused, and shot playful daggers at Jin with your eyes. He laughed at your expression and sang with the waiting staff. 

When they were done singing you thanked all of them, and Jin as well, before you kicked him playfully under the table. "How and when did you do that, Kim Seok-jin? And why did you feel the need to put me through that?" Jin just laughed at you and answered eventually, biting his lip not to burst out laughing again. "I asked them when I went to the bathroom earlier. They found us so cute that they happily arranged this. As to why, I thought it would be funny. If I had known you would look at me that way I would have done it solely for that glare though. So sexy." You blushed at his words and lightly kicked your boyfriend's leg again. "Just wait until you dance with me," you said in a soft voice. You knew that Jin had heard you by the way his eyes first widened slightly before he licked his lips and smirked at you. "I can't wait," he whispered back, and you shared the chocolate cake between you.

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