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After the chocolate cake, Jin had ordered asmall glass of lemon liquor for you to share. It tasted wonderful, and it already made youfeel blissfully lightheaded. Jin chuckled at your expression when you drank it."What? It's a bit sour, but sooo good," you said as you took another sip. Hetook the glass from you and took a sip as well. He nodded his head at thetaste, and looked into your eyes over the rim of the glass. You bit your lipand smiled at him, taking one more big sip from the glass and leaving the restto Jin. 

Jin told you some story about his friends being weird humans as hedrank the rest of the liquor, and you laughed. They sounded like weird, butwonderful boys. After finishing the drink, Jin insisted that he would pay. Hehad just seen you take your wallet out of your purse. "Jagi. Look at me," hesaid as he put his hand on yours, making you stop. "You are not paying forthis. Apart from this being your birthday, it is also our first official dateas a couple. Please let me do this." You pouted slightly at him, but thensmiled. "Alright then, if you insist. Thank you so much oppa. I will howeverpay next time!" Jin laughed at your stubbornness and then walked away to pay. While he was gone, you quickly touched up your make-up. "A bit of extra mascara...eyeliner touch up... bit of lipbalm. After that, you quickly ran to the bathroom.You took off the black tights you had on and put your boots back on. You justlooked a bit more sexy like this. You thanked yourself in your head for remembering to moisturize your legs, they were so soft. You looked at yourself in the mirror and were very happy with what you saw. Your hair still fell in waves, the crispness of the air outside had even made them a bit more pronounced. The hem of the red dress was just slightly above your knees, and the lower back of the dress gave everything an edge. To top it all off, your lace black underwear wasn't visible through the red dress, but knowing you were wearing it made you already more confident. You decided to leave your tights in the bin, you had enough pairs at home and you wouldn't need them again tonight. 

After turning around in the mirror once more, you walked outside, where Jin was waiting for you by the table. His eyes widened and his mouth fell slightly open when he saw you. " gosh... jagi. Wow. You look so incredibly good." You giggled at his expression and gave him a wink before walking outside. You looked over your shoulder and saw Jin quickly walk after you, blushing a bit. 

He caught up with you and heldyour hand as you two talked. You saw him glance over at you a few times, butyou decided not to say anything about it, rather enjoying the sight of him blushing. Jin lead you to a bar that also contained a dance floor. As you walked in, you saw that it was busy, but there were still some small booths on the edge of the dancefloor. "You go over to the booths, I'll get us some drinks," you said to Jin. He walked over to the table as you crossed to the bar. Looking around a bit, you noticed that you were getting stares from someguys, making you blush, but not in a bad way. It was another confirmation that you looked pretty good, which was your goal after all. When the bartender cameto take your order, you asked him for two cocktails and four beers. That way neither of you would have to stand up for a while. You paid and first brought over the two cocktails, asking the bartender to watch the beers for a minute. 

Jin looked happy with your choice of drink; earlier he had told you that heliked a good cocktail. He was about to pull you down next to him, when you turned around to get the beers. The bottles were easy to carry, but you still looked like a pro carrying them by the neck, and you got some appreciative whistles from a group of guys. "Hey girl, mind coming over and sharing those with us?" You just smiled at them and kept walking. Looking in front of you, you saw that Jin had been watching, a look of mixed seriousness and amusementon his face. "While I don't like them catcalling you like that, it does confirm what I already knew; I've definitely got the hottest girl here," Jin said witha smirk. He waited until you had put the bottles down and then pulled you close next to him, his hand protectively around your waist. You chuckled at his statement and slid his cocktail towards him, picking up your own as well. "Cheers to awonderful evening, oppa. And thank you for an already amazing day." Jin raisedhis glass slightly to your words and continued. "You're very welcome jagi, it has been my pleasure. Now let's make it a party!" 

You two let your glasses clink and both took a drink from the gorgeous looking drink. "Oh wow, that sure is really good," you exclaimed. Jin was looking a little thoughtful, and then got a playful look in his eyes. "Mhmm, I don't know... maybe if I taste it from your lips..." He squeezed your waist in his hand and pressed his lips softly upon yours. The squeeze and sudden lip contact surprised you, and made you let out a little noise. Jin's lips rolled over yours and you kissed him back passionately, feeling him smirk again against your mouth. Your hand went quickly to his chest, fiddling a bit wit with the buttons there, and then travelled up to his neck. You licked Jin's lip asking for entrance, but he denied you of it. He clearly wanted to remain in control. 

Suddenly, his other hand was on your knee, tickling your skin. You gasped, and Jin slid his tongue between yourlips, quickly finding your tongue. His fingers dug into the skin of your outer thigh a bit, and you pushed your nails to his neck slightly in response. Jin explored every bit of your mouth, and pushed his tongue over yours, claiming dominance. You started to pull at his hair and let out a tiny moan at his kisses. It felt so amazing, like fireworks were going off everywhere and it was only you two left in the entire world. Jin momentarily paused, you felt him shiver under your hands at the sound of your moan, and you took the opportunity to bite his lower lip. He pressed his lips against yours harder than before, and bit you back before pulling away, breathing raggedly. 

You too were catching your breath as you looked lovingly at him. He licked his lips and closed his eyes as he took a big gulp from his drink. You did the same, keeping your eyes on him the entire time. "Damn girl..." Jin was still looking at you intently, and you saw for the second time that day that his pants had become a little tighter.This time you allowed your thoughts to wander, and you thought about what would happen later that night. You bit your lip as you felt butterflies in your lower belly. You had kissed guys before, but you had never gone further than that, let alone have sex... You drank your cocktail and then pressed a kiss to Jin's cheek, making him giggle cutely. "Just wait until you watch me dance, oppa" you said seductively. Jin just looked at you and bit his lip, then took another big gulp of his drink.

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