—Kuro and Florren fall out of the portal and land hard on the ground—
Kuro: "Oww Florren get off of me!"
Florren: "Sorry Kuro."
Both gets up
Kuro: "Where's Ryku and Trish?"
Looking for them, then sees them int distance
Kuro: "Found them now let's go."
Starts heading towards them
Ryku and Trish running in their direction being chased by a dragon
Ryku: "Run!!"
Kuro: "What kinda dragon is that."
Trish: "That doesn't matter right now just run!!!"
All start running from the dragon
Florren: "I got an idea."
Stops and turns towards the dragon
Florren: "Try this on for size you over grown lizard."
Throws a giant fireball at the dragon
Others stop
Trish: "Did that work?"
Smoke clears and the dragon is still flying
Ryku and Kuro: "Not good!!"
Dragon releases a black lightning roar
All of them ducked
Ryku: "It breathes lightning come on!!"
Kuro: "What do we now?!?"
Ryku: "Let me try something, hey you overgrown dinosaur come on get me!!"
He runs off to the left and the dragon starts to follow him
Trish: "What are you doing you're going to die if you take that thing on!!"
Ryku: "I got a plan trust me okay."
He stops and faces the dragon
Ryku: "I hope this works because if doesn't then I'm done for."
Grips the new sword and the wind aura starts getting bigger
The dragon charges up a breath attack
Ryku: "Alright I need to time this right."
The dragon releases it's attack
Ryku: "Now!!!"
Swings the sword and releases a huge wind slash
The lightning got nullified and the slash cut the dragon in half
Ryku: "Alright I did it, I didn't think that would work."
The others caught up to him
Kuro: "Are you okay?"
Trish: "IDIOT!!!"
Florren: "No fair you got to kill it."
Ryku: "Hey it worked, so there's no need to worry anymore."
Florren: "Hey guys there's something coming out of the dead body."
A lightning sphere comes out of the body and heads towards Ryku
Ryku: "What is this?"
The sphere goes into Ryku
Ryku: "I think I just got an attribute that relates to my element awesome!!"
Feels a surge of lightning in him
Ryku: "It might take some time to get use to."
Trish: "So what now??"
Kuro: "Look there's a village just past that hill."
Ryku stares at the village in the distance
Florren: "It's long shot but we should go."
Trish: "Ryku what do you think??"
Ryku: "Eh what the heck."
All start walking towards the village
—Timeskip to 2 miles away from the village—
Trish: "What's going on here?"
Soldiers rounding up the people in the village
Kuro: "What ever it is, it can't be good."
Ryku: "Well let's find out."
Call to the Elements
RandomThe story is about four siblings and their adventures across the dimensions and the problems they will face Writing inspiration from Riya