Traveling and Konoha

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Hikaru Misoka Kuushou woke up in a cold sweat. He ran his scarred and shaking hands through his waist length pale blonde spiky hair before letting out a shuttering breath. It has been six years since that night, and Hikaru had never forgotten about it. After his father had disappeared, he had ran throughout the entire Misoka clan compound to see if there were any survivors, but unfortunately there wasn’t. All he found was his family’s body parts all over the streets and walls. Till this day, he had never seen anything so gruesome. When he had left his small village in Iwagakure, he had traveled all over searching for ninja’s who were willing to train him so that he could be ready for the promised battle that was awaiting him in the future between him and his father, excuse me, the Demon of Bloodshed. That man was no longer his father.

Hikaru had been in luck when he had traveled because he had bumped into many ninja’s who were willing to train him by having him work for them. He had his first kill at the age of eight, and afterwards, he had become withdrawn and buried himself into training until his first mentor, Kyou Sakkara, told him that it was best for him to take a life at a young age because he wouldn’t hesitate to take an enemies life when he went out on important missions in the future. And although Hikaru had lost half of his innocence from getting his hands stained with blood at a young age, he couldn’t help but agree with Kyou.

After he and Kyou departed ways with heart warming goodbyes, young Hikaru had traveled more and found even more ninja’s who were also willing to train him. And when they found out that little Hikaru had already taken lives, he had become a bounty hunter with a small group of ninja’s who were tough and quite cold hearted when it came to taking other’s lives. But he didn’t mind all that much because he was learning how to be a ninja. He had learned chakra control, taijutsu stances, some jutsu’s and had worked on body work out’s so that he could put more strength into his hits and worked on his speed by running around fields with heavy weights wrapped around his arms, legs, and torso.

After the bounty hunter group had taught him as much as they could, they sent him on his way until he had finally met up with Zabuza Momochi and his apprentice, Haku. Zabuza loved to fight, and cause meaningless battles with enemies so he could have some amusement, while Haku, a beautiful and shy girl with a bloodline limit that involved ice, stayed away from the violence. While Hikaru was with them, he had picked up a little bit of Zabuza’s personality at the gentle age of ten. Zabuza had toughened him up while Haku did her best to teach him about medicine. Zabuza had finally found a good swordsman apprentice in Hikaru because Haku was too afraid to be anywhere near such pointy objects. But when Zabuza had learned from Hikaru who his father was, Zabuza had been shocked by the information to say the least. He had caught glimpses of the Demon of Bloodshed’s work, and even Zabuza had to admit that even he wasn’t that blood thirsty, and that was saying a lot because Zabuza was known as the Demon of the Mist.

On the day that Zabuza had pushed Hikaru so far in one of their battles by making him believe that he was going to kill him and that he would never have the luxury of facing his father in their future battle because he was going to take his life away, was the day that Hikaru’s bloodline had finally awoken within him.

While his electric blue eye had a small ripple type effect around his pupil, his red eye was moving around like a pool of blood. When his bloodline limit had awoken, he had found out that his blue eye gave him the power of telekinesis, while his red eye gave him the power of reading his opponent’s movements in slow motion, seeing through the strongest of genjutsu’s and calling forth the strongest of fire in his right palm, he had never been more ecstatic. He finally had a trump card against the infamous Demon of Bloodshed.

While everything was going well with his training with the Demon of the Mist, affection was brewing inside of Hikaru’s heart for the beautiful ice user, Haku. And with the way that Haku would always blush while she was around him and stutter unintelligible words, he knew that she liked him too. But he knew that he couldn’t pursue anything with anyone, especially such a kind person as Haku, until he knew that his father was taken care of.

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