The Ninja Academy

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“Hikaru-kun, sit next to me!” a shrill voice screeched as Hikaru walked into the classroom at the Ninja Academy. Today was the day that he would finally graduate from this nightmare called school, and take his career up a few notches.

Hikaru pointedly ignored his group of fan girls by casually walking past them and plopping himself down between his three friends, Adonis Arashi, Kukiko Uzuhara, and Miku Kira.

Adonis was a loud yet sophisticated boy with ocean blue hair that fell in his eyes and a lean body. He was at least 5’4 with light blue eyes and pale skin. Since he never paid attention in class and never studied for written tests, he had the lowest grades and was known as the ‘dead last’. The boy was not dumb, far from it actually, he just didn’t do well when it came to written tests. He was more of the do and show, not the sit and write kind of guy. He was like a mini storm. His name truly suits his personality quite well. He usually wore a light blue shirt with black shinobi pants and black shinobi sandals.

Kukiko was a beautiful pale skinned girl with snow white hair that reached past her hips, and tied into two twin high ponytails. She often wore a white battle dress with black fishnet stockings and black low high heeled knee leather lenghted boots. She had pale blue eyes, and a tattoo of 01 on her left arm. She was the most beautiful girl in the Academy, and was truly serious about becoming a strong Kunoichi. And she let that be known when she pounded the girls and guys into the ground in battle spars. Kukiko had a sweet personality, but when she got angry, she was quite scary and she shows how angry she is by letting her fist meet the face of the person who had annoyed her.

Miku was a quiet and broody boy with tan skin, long red hair that fell in his eyes and kept in a high ponytail. On his left cheek, he had a tattoo of a cross. He wore a blood red short sleeved shirt with a deep crimson knee length cloak, and a red scarf wrapped lightly around his neck. He wore black shinobi pants, black boots, and black elbow length fingerless gloves. Unlike Adonis and Kukiko, Miku was hard to get along with. Whenever he spoke, which was barely ever, he usually had something rude or sarcastic to say. He stood about an inch or two shorter than Hikaru, making him 5’6. When Hikaru had first met Miku, they did not like each other. Miku had heard all about Hikaru, and saw him as an enemy. But after a few weeks of seeing that Hikaru meant no harm to anyone in Konoha, they had become quick friends.

The four of them were inseparable.

Kukiko stifled a giggled when she saw how Hikaru had ignored his fan girls. In a way, she felt bad for them because the only girl that Hikaru had let close to him was her. Unknown to Hikaru, Kukiko had been developing strong feelings for the pale blonde haired boy. She was in no way a fan girl, but she truly did like him. He was handsome, loyal, funny, nice, and incredibly strong. She still didn’t understand what he was doing in the Ninja Academy.

“Oh, Hikaru-kun, I feel so honored to have you sitting so close to me.” Kukiko heard Adonis sing in a child like voice. It’s strange how he managed to sound just like one of Hikaru’s fan girls.

Adonis leaned into Hikaru’s side with a cheesy smile on his face while batting his eyelashes and puckering his lips out as if asking for a kiss.

Hikaru immediately leaned as far away from Adonis as he can without falling out his seat or leaning on to Kukiko. Kukiko giggled behind her hand while Miku snorted a laugh with a smirk tugging at his lips. His red eyes lighted up with mirth as he watched Adonis try to get closer to Hikaru, thus making Hikaru jump out of his seat and glare half-heartedly at him.

Adonis was laughing so hard that he fell out of his seat while holding his sides. His entire face was beet red from the lack of oxygen because he was laughing so hard.

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