Formation of Team 7.

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“Team 7 will consist of Naruto Uzumaki,” Naruto’s face shot up and an excited grin formed onto his whisker marked face, “Sasuke Uchiha,’ Naruto grinned over at his childhood best friend, who saw it and smirked back, “and Sakura Haruno.” Sasuke winced and covered his ears when Sakura squealed in delight, yet yelled when she heard that Naruto Uzumaki, the kid with the worst grades in the entire class, was in her team.

Sasuke eyed his best friend and winced again when he felt the angry aura surrounding him. He jumped in surprise when Naruto yelled out, “What the FUCK!”

The entire class went silent and stared at the black and orange wearing genin. The blonde haired shinobi stood with clenched fists and his beautiful and endless sapphire eyes flashed in absolute fury. The sun rays hit the blonde, illuminating his angelic yet rugged features, causing the girls in the classroom, minus Sakura, to blush and swoon silently. His spiky blonde hair fell to his mid back in a low ponytail while two jaw length strands of black hair fell around his tanned face. The thirteen year old boy truly was a beautiful sight to see, but right now, he looked like a fallen angel who was angry because he ruffled his gentle feathers.

“I don’t mind Sasuke-teme, but there is NO WAY in hell that I’m going to be stuck in the same team as that walking Pepto-Bismol Ad!”

“Who do you think you’re calling a Pepto-Bismol Ad you baka!” screeched Sakura as she stood up and stared down the gentle yet angry blonde.

Naruto sneered at her.

“What are you deaf? I wouldn’t be surprised if you are because you have to listen to that voice of yours all day.” he said angrily.

Sakura Haruno, a girl with long pink hair and a somewhat big forehead felt a vein pop on her head. She straightened out her knee length red dress before trying to jump at Naruto Uzumaki, the boy who got in her way of ever getting close to Sasuke-Kun. Iruka held her back before she could reach her intended target.

In a calming and placating manner, Iruka said, “It’s not like you’re going to be stuck in the same team forever, Naruto. It’s only until you make chuunin in the upcoming chuunin exams.” Iruka then let go of the now somewhat calm pinkette.

Naruto rolled his large blue eyes. “Don’t try to sympathize with me Iruka-Sensei. You are not the one who will have to deal with this howler monkey, I am! Besides you have to be recommended for the chuunin exams. Our sensei could be some kind of lazy pervert who only reads porn and comes late to every single freaking meeting only to teach nothing!” Naruto nearly screamed.

Iruka sweat dropped and thought, “Maybe I shouldn’t tell him.”

“Calm down Naruto. You’re not the only one that will have to deal with her you know.” a passive voice stated beside him. Naruto glanced down at his best friend and calmed down. Kind of. Sighing and puffing out his cheeks in irritation, Naruto crossed his lean yet muscular arms across his chest before heavily sitting back down.

Sasuke rolled his eyes at the immaturity of his best friend.

Sometimes, Sasuke always wondered how the two of them even became friends in the first place.

Sasuke grinned to himself. “I remember,” he thought quietly as he took a side long glace at the blonde sitting beside him, “Hikaru-aniki use to always bring Naruto-dobe over at the Uchiha mansion all the time to visit Itachi-nee. Even though we argued a lot at first, we just stuck by each other’s side.”

Sasuke admired Hikaru Misoka Kuushou as much as he admired his older brother, Itachi. Hikaru was strong, smart, and funny. Whenever he was around, he always brought excitement with him. He always told Sasuke about his adventures before he came to the village, and some details about the missions that he and Itachi went on with their ANBU squad.

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